Ch- Shiroi Machi -12

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First stop : Flevance

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First stop : Flevance

Ahh Adam definitly Adam...

I yawn loudly and scratch behind my head finishing by my ears. Hey, it's only natural !

I look around me. Yep I'm on the floor.. and here I thought I had pea princess syndrome but habits die hard apparently. I watch the other snoring still not award of their hangover. Well, that not so professional all this.

I stand up and pop the knots in my back moaming. It's a cold morning and honestly I really wouldn't mind a good hot soup tight now. I exist the room and look at the horizon behond the rails, sea dancing and apealing the fools who will let themself be fooled by its splendeur, drowing in its darkest abyss. I smile and smell the fresh air of the morning, yeah we all have our inner thought -I'm not that bad-.

"I feel like I didn't sleep in since decades.. Oh wait I didn't " I say pensive facing the new born sun while scratching my chin. "Well new things add on my todo list" I back a bit of the rails and walk toward the desk scanning the constrution and admiring the details. "I want to draw" I mumbles and resume my stroll.

I finally stop in front of the command post were I'm suppose to be, if I was working. Giving orders without really knowing what is happening and such, a real bliss~ I open the door. I wasn't searching for anything in particular but still managed to end up on a very well awake Benkey guiding the boat ?

"Oh my~" He jumps and turns around like a scardery cat. Darks circles contracts with his pales skin. "Oh. my." I frown and walk up to him with a stern look. "Look like someone didn't sleep..." I drew a hole in his head not really waiting for an answere.

"Vic- I mean Y/N Sama ! Good.. morning.. ?" I squint a brow and stand on my toes to ease the pain in my neck -he's too damn tall-. I close the space beetwin the two of use adding more pressure in the room. He sighs uneasy "I didn't sleep.."

I step back and hold my hands behind my back releasing the tensions. "How long before we reach our destination ?" He lets out a breath and goes back to his spot.

"In about 10 hours. We will be there by night's fall" I sigh silently and smirk.

"By the way. If you don't rest until then, I forbid to come with us. This is a vacation not hell, at least not yet" I mumble the last part and hum while retiring. Benkey gulps and watchs in front of him sweat dropping from the event (what a morning).

While going back to the desk someone bumps into me. I turn around to be meet with a Godji patting his botom in pain. I look at him and grin "Oh hello ?" He looks up only now seeing me -you just bump into me makes some effort please-.

"Goo-g- GOOD MORNING !" He stands sudently and salute only to be trows in the walls by an angry Kanda.

"ASSHOLE WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE ?!" He yells and starts kicking him while I remaind here not really following the events. I sway a moment and saw behind the two sidekicks and blond head yawning.. I suppose everybody is awake now.

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