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XXXX March 13th

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XXXX March 13th

A crowd of trees clashing together, tangling and dancing with the wind. The laughter and cries of children echoed in the wood while the adults discussed away of the supervision they should apply.

A little kid runs in front of me before hiding behind a bush. They're shivering from the cold and the fear of being find. Behind me the same kids who were laughing were looking for something...

Or someone.

When I return my attention to the small child, they already had disappeared.

This was a little girl with e/c and short h/c.

The hair was also cut as if the scissors were use randomly, a real mess.

And pearl of tears were running on her delicate s/c...

Present : 1 month after y/n quit the crew

The sun reflects on the sweaty body of the seamans who are training in order to become seaman apprentice. Even me, am sufering below the light of death. The heat push the rookies to surpass themselves in order to finish their task quickly, an ideal goal I could say.

Why ?

Because they want to chill in the fresh HQ. I can't blame them, it's really fucking hot right now. Kong has been really hard on me saying 'a normal training is not gonna makes me progress'. Well he's true.. but god I blame my strengh right now.

I'm suppose to finish before the other and at the same time I have ten times more to do.

If I was a normal human I would have die a long time ago.

"Y/n ?" I yelp " Y/n come here ! NOW." I huff and groan panting slighly and joging inside. A sigh of relief escaped when my body collide with the coldness.

"Kong ? Where you are ?" I yell. A strong hand grabs my shoulder and pushes me inside an office before sitting me on a chair -did I look like a child or someone irreponsible for such treatment ?-.

"I got a call." He proclaims

"Oh my, hello" I say with a frown

"Amiral Sengoku is coming with one of his rookies." He sighes "I want you to be here and meet them"

"Right, and when will he-" a knock on the door interrupte my sentence making me groan of disconfort. Kong walks to the source of the noises and opens it with a friendly smile stretching his features.

"Sengoku !" The huge man takes a side step to allows the guests in the room.

The so famous Sengoku enter follows by a blond boy with a serious tense. If I didn't know better I would have believed he was nineteen..

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