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December 19th

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December 19th

The sun shone at its brightest point in the sky, rays of light invaded your room through the shutter. The warmth of the light brushed against your skin, making your nose crunch in discomfort. You opened your eyes. Dark circles and other signs of sleep deprivation were all over your face. This was what happened when you slept two hours and woke up at noon.

Dang... I must have fallen asleep in my bed because I am wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Hanging out with others was slightly refreshing, even though I didn't mind being alone...

Your body cracked with my every movement while you slid out of your sheets. The cold floor made you shiver when your feet brushed against it. You took a deep breath and stood up while groaning. A few stretches and you popped a few knots in your back.

I must be looking like a mess right now...

You dragged your feet into the bathroom and looked at your reflection tiredly. Your h/l h/c were a mess, it looked like a nest. You had bed marks on your skin, your sleeve falling off your shoulder. Your muscled arms were decorated by tattoos on both of them and in the middle of your chest was a tattooed eye. You scratched behind your pierced ears before checking your teeth and e/c eyes.

Well, nothing out of the ordinary...

You stirred your face with grimaces to wake up.

Tom is very annoying and always manages to impress me. I have a few ideas of what kind of person he really is, such as a hacker or a rich kid. Because he never struggled with anything and when he wanted something, the next morning he would have it perfectly. He's a total nerd, and we hang out in his house's basement for our little club...

You used your toothbrush and started to clean your teeth roughly.

Love is a real cutie. A bit rude, at times. She did a lot of martial arts. She's scarier with her words anyway. I was there when she made a guy from her school's athletic club cry and gave up on his match, because he bumped into her and dared to ask for excuses from her...

Alberd, he's a bit special. I hate him, but we had our best days together, like going to an arcade and bothering the players. I remember this day when we focused on Mario Kart players. It was such a good time...

You filled your mouth with water and cleaned the remnants of toothpaste.

Nassim is a bit exceptional. He smiles a lot, laughs a lot, and he always tries to cheer up everyone. He's a real sunshine, and he makes me want to puke. His particularity: he has so many origins. Sometimes I wonder how his bloodline managed to reproduce.

I don't even know my origins. The fun part about growing up in a fucked up orphanage.

He talks a lot too, it's impossible to keep up a conversation without going to another planet.

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