Ch- King's path -4

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Your nude body jumped in the river, enjoying the feeling of cold water on your s/c. The current took away all the dirt and sweat previously on your body.

Memories of your childhood played in your mind, bad and good. It made this place less bad, a deadly paradise.

You inhaled to feel every aroma around you, exhaling deeply as you washed up.

A good hour later, you dried up and went back in the forest, your clothes back on.

When the sun rose this morning, lightening the island, you woke up shivering and exhausted. The night had been tormenting you with a storm that threatened to blow your cabin away.

You stretched, popping the knots stuck in your spine. It didn't help that throughout the week you had to survive the environment. You hid multiple times, but not once did you find a way out.

Your wounds had healed completely, you didn't feel anymore harching after eating. But after that, not even hunger tortured you. Maybe it was due to a sort of evolution, after escaping death twice.

But could you really see that as escaping death, when your heart ceased beating ?

Your body was firmer, you could trail your fingers on your muscles. Even if your body never lacked strength, this was beyond measure. You were defined, and it was surprisingly appealing.

Based on a very good reference, Dr Stone, you thought your body had undergone a transformation. The needs for a normal body experience were completely different for you now.

Only when you were wounded did you need to eat, and after that you healed up, without a scar left behind. Could that be considered as being invincible?

As you came closer to the beach, muffled noises resounded ahead of you. You slowed down cautiously. They turned louder and louder, and you could hear voices. You stayed hidden behind a tree as you glanced at the beach. Your eyes narrowed. That was the first time since you ended up here that you saw a human being.

And surprisingly, you weren't as appealed as you would have thought. It smelled trouble from far, and difficulty wasn't what you usually opt for. But, it's not like you had many choices anyway. You didn't know when you would have another chance.

You discreetly approached, your head barely outstanding in the bushes. The closer you got, the more you could see, as every detail came into sight.

A ship, looking just like those in stories. It was reminding you of Peter Pan. At the bow of the ship were two sirens engraved in the wood. They surrounded a cannon that pointed in the distance.

The ship in itself was impressive. It was pretty huge. You never saw anything as huge as this ship in your life. And you did see a tree that impressed you. But this was unlikely.

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