Ch- Paradise -3

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In agony, your muscles tensed and your breath hitched. It felt like your organs were crushed and spread on the ground.

The breeze grazed your sore skin, flickering your torment. The whistle blew into your throbbing ears, and soon you could feel a warmth in your eyelids, a soft gleam bringing you back to reality.

Until you could feel the strong beating of your very own heart, resounding in your veins, you were alive.

You breathed sharply, the strong scent of salt burning your lungs. You coughed breathlessly, and turned on your side despite the harshness in your bones. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit you before you vomited.

Your eyes shot open as you coughed the water out. Regret, it flared your e/c as tears dripped out of your eyes.

"Fuck..." breathing heavily, you layed backwards and closed your eyes.

You stayed there for a moment until you calmed down. You blinked slowly before attempting to sit up.

Somehow your back was killing you, as your sight cleared. You stared in front of you until the blue sky and setting sun appeared, reflecting into a clear sea.

You could feel it, the sand under your hands that crackled with your every movement.

"...beach?" you tried to get up, but your legs were like jellies. After taking a deep breath, you tried again, and this time managed to stand with your wobbling legs.

The leaves twirled around you, brushing against your skin as you stared at the enchanting sight. It shined brightly, and you started to scan your surroundings.

Behind you was a sort of jungle, the trees threatening each other to spread out. Whilst the sea was vast, the horizon ended in a soft blur of orange hue.

Your body stinked of seawater, your clothes were drenched, and your skin irritated from the salt. You most likely looked like a mess.

You wobbled into the forest. Your ears caught the water flowing, howls or leaves coming from the depth.

"Water flowing?" You tracked the origin of the sound, the nearer you got, the uneasier you felt. The sky turned darker, leaving no room to see the path.

Suddenly, a ruffling sound startled you, it was close. Too close. You only had enough time to glance above your shoulder before it launched at you. A frightening beast, with sharpened teeth. It collided with your back and threw you onto the ground. You stayed motionless before slowly standing up.

You were covered in dust, a leaf stuck in your hair as you emitted a loud sigh.

"Annoying." You turned around slowly and stared at it. Like a wolf, its muzzle was long and it bares its teeth. A low growl followed, it was enraged.

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