Ch- Joining -5

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"If you feel like you're losing everything, remember, trees lose their leaves every year, yet they still stand tall and wait for better days to come."


Slow, the breeze brushed against the hull, creating soft creaking sounds with each movement of the waves. The day had already begun like any other, the sailors back to their routine with the hangover of the previous nights. Yet it was different in many ways, for the sole reason of your existence. One more troublesome thing.

The rookies ran around, shrieking and screaming in fear as you mercilessly chased after them. Scooper Gaban, a member of the Roger's, stood not too far from the scene. He was a tall black-haired man, and wore small round sunglasses, always fighting with two boring axes. Gaban had the habit of annoying and watching over Shanks and Buggy, which explained why he didn't stop you nor walk away.

Three days had passed since you joined the Roger's, you were as new as a rookie. So it wasn't surprising they put you on cleaning duty. You had to stick with Shanks and Buggy all day long because of that, which led to you getting bored easily and bullying them.

This made you think about you back in your living days, when you and Alberd hung out at the arcade. Your steps made cracking noises as you wandered on the boat. A soft melody escaped your lips as your eyes scanned the horizon.

"Shanks. Buggy. Come out." You whistled, life on a boat wasn't anything close to peaceful. Far from your cup of tea.

"Y/n, stop scaring them. They use it as an excuse to skip work." Gaban sighed and scratched his head.

"How is that my problem ? Besides, aren't you the first to bother them ?" You smiled wryly.

A thud made the two of you look in the direction of the barrels. The two boys lied on the floor, groaning in pain. Buggy was the first to raise his head before gasping, which forced the redhead to do the same.

"WITCH !" The two yelled in symphony before running away. But they didn't go far before falling back down after colliding with Silvers Rayleigh. He was a tall blond man, with round glasses and a black beard. His beard was made of four straight lines. He was known as the right-hand man of the king of pirates, one of the strongest and fearest men.

He chuckled and made eye contact with you. "Are you enjoying your time, Y/n?" You glanced at him.

"Maybe?" You said, while tapping your chin with one finger.

"I hope you will, soon. Roger is calling for you. You should go before he throws a tantrum." He sighed out, and walked away as he waved at you.

"Aye, what a pain." you sighed.

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