Ch- The Reaper -10

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XXXX September 29th

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XXXX September 29th

A ring resounds in the school marking the end of lessons. Teenagers and parents meet in front of the building cheering about the 'so wonderful day' their kids had. But the same remaind in the darkness, in the shade of their happyness. Some may have pity for them, other sympathy while all they wanted was to be disregarded.

Why would they wants something they never had ? Not even tastes ? A family ? happyness ?

If life had a meaning then they didn't understand their.

I sigh, everytime I look at them I saw the same look, same emptyness. Not sadness and neither a desire of end.

Just nothing, living with what they has, finding without searching, just the most simple life possible.

But lately things have been changing. A girl came one day and stood in front of them.

"Why are you alone !? come with me. I heard you're a manga fan too !"

She grabs their arm and drags them in an office. Three people where already there. The girl walks and sats very proud of her.

"Welcome in our manga club !" She smiles, her bright teeths light up her face. "Hey sit already ! I'm Mary and the actual chief here. What's you're name ?" The teen watches her calmly which constrate with her harsh ton.

"The fuck is your problem ? Why do you bother me ?" They sigh frustrated of the new 'interruption' in their simple life.

"Why not ?"

A look of disbelief embraces their features.

"I don't care leave me alone."

They turnes around and never back cames. I turn my head and watch them ageing, now being seventeen years old .

"Y/n" I gasp surprise and unexpecte of seeing the same girl of the club, 'Mary'.

The soon no more teen turns around and raises a brow at the other.

"What do you want, Mary ?" On contrary of their look, they has a soft voice and embrace the girl with care before letting go with a smooth grin. " You look stunning girl~ Date ?" The girl giggles and takes a step back.

"No ! I'm gonna celebrated graduation with my family tonight." Her look turns sadder "And after that I'm preparing my luggage.." They hummed thinking a moment.

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