1|of failed meetings

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IF there was one thing Aaira hates the most in this world it is an Asian wedding. The glamour that is shown is nothing how they usually are. They are unnecessarily stressful and bitter. At least, that is what she always sees. In one way or another, some people will go to any length to judge, comment, and ruin the day for the bride.

By. All. Means.

She is not even joking she has been to so many marriages over the twenty-two years of her life that she can pick the people who will cause trouble and know exactly what they will do for it.

Another reason for the hate is to constantly be asked about her plan for 'settling down'. She had on impulse asked a few people what they mean by that, and the answers were:

1- to have a male presence in your life, especially for the life she leads.

2- to have a secure future.

3- to have someone to support her financially (in future when she is doomed).

4- to have children early so they can be old enough to take care of her when she is old.

5- lastly, to correct the ways of her living.

Discrimination. Toxic. Racist. Patriarchal.

She can describe her wedding experience in those four words. Hence, she hates weddings. She will rather sit at her home with her female Persian cat (now 4 years old) instead of at these weddings.

Why is she attending these weddings with her obvious hate?

Some or most are for business relationships and others are for her close friend. Not that she has many. In the world that she lives in the only way to survive is to not let anyone come close to her. The more they know the higher the chances of them using it against you.

Aaira will let the world see her as the perfect doll instead of ever allowing them into the place where she lives alone in.

Anyways, back to when she was whining about weddings. She was doing her absolute best to not come in anyone's way and to hide in a little corner she managed to find as soon as she arrived. Up until a few hours in she has been very successful in securing the perimeter. No worries so far.

She jinxes it.


Her friend- Hanifa (the bride) was now calling her. This number is also for specific people and not many know about it.


"Hey Hanifa, what's up?" She winces at how fake her voice sounds even to her

"Do not, what's up with me, Aaira Rehaan Khan". Hanifa fumed and she knows that Hanifa is upset because she (Hanifa) her full name making her wince , "You are the only person who knows how to look perfect and I requested quite literally that my one and only friend should be with me throughout and help me ease at times yet I have not seen you once".

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now