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She closes her eyes trying to find an alternative reality to the one she was actually living through

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She closes her eyes trying to find an alternative reality to the one she was actually living through. Maybe if she pretends she might actually start believing in herself.

Because there was no way her attacker was dragging her by her hair toward the stairs. She wiggled around trying to find a way to break free from his hands yet she couldn't. The worst part was that it wasn't one man, it was two. The more she fought the harder the other man hit her from behind. She was sure her back was red and bleeding due to the hammer he had hit her with multiple times now.

The only reason she was willing to fight was because of her husband.

She couldn't leave without saying the words back to him. Without letting him know that she loves him. That she dreamed a thousand times of a house that they will build together. The comfort that she found in him.

The home that she found in him.

"I will show you what happens when a woman steps out of her boundaries". The man yelled as he dragged her towards the terrace and pushed her to the opposite side. The other man held her hands while the man tied the ropes around her hands. The rope digs into her wrist causing her skin to redden.

She looks at the man who was smirking at him. She remembers them.

Ryan and her uncle Nasser.

She remembers them.

One is the owner of the product she refused to face because of racism and discrimination.

The other (Nasser) is her abuser.

He wasn't able to rape her at the mere age of nine years old. He was able to drag her by her hair (similar to now) push her into an empty storage room and beat her around. Fortunately, or unfortunately, someone saw that. They helped her.

She shouldn't have honestly. Because the hate her family already had for her only intensified after the event. It wasn't her fault that her father found Nasser corrupt and reported it. It wasn't her fault that her father actually did something good in his life. Her father actually did right by someone when he couldn't even do anything right for her.

Even when she lay in the empty bed of the hospital, terrified, scared, and panicking. She was alone. She remembers how she used to hide under the bed just so no one hurt her. She remembers how she cried all day and night, covered in sweats as she forget the difference between reality and nightmares. She was slipping away at a young age wanting her parent's support.

Yet, she never had it.

Her parents never visited her. They were rich and their reputation would be ruined if to find her secret. So, they hid everything. She never found Nasser ever again. She just lived with his ghost for years.

Her Nani was the one who helped her through. Who became her back. Who helped her run from that prison where she was going to be married soon. Because her parents wanted nothing more to do with her.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now