18|of acceptance and attacks

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He was right

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He was right.

His family didn't react at all. It was like there was no difference in her. They treated her with smiles, food, and patience.

His mom was the one who brought her special herbal tea saying that will help with the pain. When she asked how she knew about it, she said that her son never calls her and he did call her asking how he can help with the pain.

That did wonders to her heart.

Just like he mentioned, it was all the close family around. He asked if she wanted all the families and she agreed. It was best to get it over with in one go. She didn't have the energy to be anxious all over again.

But, as she sits with his family drinking the tea and enjoying the warm food. Her heart felt heavy. For years since she was just a four years old young girl, she did everything to get acceptance by her family. She did everything possible to be a good child. Even when she did that, she was pushed to the back. The only times she was ever visible was when they wanted to mock her.

Her heart was broken too many times by the time she turned eighteen. She stopped counting at that point. Every day to look into her parent's and siblings' eyes the hate for her that she can never erase stayed in her heart. Even when she ran away from them, everything chases her here. Every day, when she was by herself, standing in front of the mirror, she hated herself. She hated the mirror that showed her true self. To the point, she stopped looking in the mirror.

Her family made sure she was aware of her flaws. Every event she was the cursed one in it. She remembers when she was ten and she had to attend the first ever event of her life. She was handed over a worn-out dress (wore by her sibling), undersized and torn. She somehow made it look ok, but, she was ashamed. She had no idea about makeup, yet, her mother forced her to sit on the ground while she punish her face with it.

She remembers crying because it hurt the way she was applying it on her face and crying more because it was itching. Her mother had slapped her enough times in an hour over her whining. Until, she had no tears and no voice to explain the pain she was suffering. It wasn't until the next day, that her face was red with patches. Somehow, she made it to the hospital which explained that the product was either expired or was something she was allergic to. Obviously, her mother didn't agree that it was an expired product because what a mother will do sometime like that to her child, yet, she had no idea to this day what was the truth. Because her mother never brought the product to the doctor to test again.

Anyways, she had worn makeup since was ten. Parents kept their children away from her. She had lived a very isolated life. The only fear she has now is someone publishing her old pictures (real) or someone from her past coming after her.

The stalker she has on her tail was another worry even though after the first incident, there was nothing more. Yes, she gets hate messages and comments but she was not receiving anything else.

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