22|One step ahead

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Three months later:

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Three months later:

Terminating her contracts and paying for the file was the first step she took. In a blink of a moment, she had the world under her feet, and then she was under the feet of this world.

She was a hot topic.

Ayaan Zafar's, the golden child of B5 wife's was abused.

That must be the kindest line of all the others that blamed her husband. It came back to the point she was scared of her shadow. While, her husband patiently remained by her side throughout her healing process, he was close to being removed as his company owner.

She terminated her contract with his company too. And it just so happens that Mahira was no longer in the media anymore. The controversy came out that she was involved in bullying and harassing her colleague. She went as far as sending men to one of the rising stars. People after people came out to confess their horror. Somehow, whenever she searches for her name there is no controversy attached to it.

The headlines made a day or even less before they vanished from the online world. Just like those vulgar pictures of hers. Everything, from her past, seems to suddenly be resolved.

She winces when she tries to move from the bed she had been laying in. For the past three months, she has been bedridden. The hammer did wonders to her back. She had broken bones and some that will never heal. This means she will not be able to pose or stand properly unless she has support.

The bones that were broken need months or years to heal properly. However, the recovery is not 100%. That day, three months ago, she lost a part of herself. Her identity. Her willingness to do what she was already doing. Suddenly, everything looks bland and fake. Just like her.

Before when she used to look in the mirror she was scared of her skin. She was scared that when she looked at herself in her skin, she would crawl her skin out. Now she looks at the woman who was scared of herself. The woman who has now taken place in her was broken, damaged, and fake.

She was fake.

As much as she advocates that she never took part in companies that embedded societal values in women. She was a hypocrite. Because she was hiding from the world. Just in a different way.

She shut down everything.

"You are going to live this way". Her head snapped towards the door where she found Romaisa, "Such a waste for a pretty face".

"What are you doing here?" She snapped because her temper these days is high

"I just wanted to see how you are doing". Romaisa said shrugging, "For someone who fought her family and ran away to a different country by herself to live is actually acting this way".

"I don't want to talk to you".

"Why? Because I won't bullshit with your excuses? Or because I will show you exactly what you have been doing for three months?" Romaisa asked as she leans towards her, "Why did you even fight that time if this is how you wanted to live?"

She turns her face away, "Go away".

"Make me. You have been here for three months, Aaira. Three months to do whatever you wanted. Your husband cleared everything for you and what are you doing?"

"Why are you doing this?" Tears filled her eyes, "Why!?"

"Because my husband blames himself for this incident. Because my nephew blames himself every day. Because I can see how hard he is trying because these men are just strong like that for their lovers. My husband took a bullet to save you and my nephew killed the man who hurt you. What are you doing?"

Her eyes widened, "He killed Nasser?"

"He killed Nasser. He came to Kabir a few months back to ask for help to remove all your (vulgar) pictures from the internet. He found the source of who took those pictures, Mahira, and took care of her without bringing your name in. He doesn't sleep these days just in case a headline comes out with your name. Because he needs to remove it before you see it. Your fines, for your contract, were never deducted because he took care of it. He is fighting for you day and night to the point that he is losing his company, tomorrow, you are here".

She closes her eyes, as tears flow down, "I-I don't know what to do".

"You do know". Romaisa said as she sat beside her taking her hand, "You know what you need to do, Aaira. You know you are strong and that you are the only one who can help him. He is being removed because-".

"Because the media said that he abused me and that they are using their power to cover the truth".

Romaisa nodded, "We, women, can do anything we put our minds to".

"She is right about that". Her head turns to find all the wives standing there, "We will help you out".


She took a deep breath preparing herself. It's been a long time since she stepped in front of these blinding lights.

The buzz was loud just like her heartbeat.

One reason was that she was doing a press conference. The other was that she took matters into her hands now.

She posted her candid pictures on Instagram. Without makeup, without cover-up, and just her. She didn't write anything. She just removed all her previous posts besides her wedding pictures.

She knows they are anticipating this moment. She knows they will skin her when she steps in the light. Yet, she will not be scared of being defeated. She didn't fight this long and hard to live like how she lived in the past three months. She didn't marry her husband this way. And she didn't want to stay with her husband or start her family being scared of her shadow.

Instead, she will do everything that she could to fight off the demon. It starts with this. One step at a time.

"You are ready?" She turns to look at her husband as a smile gazes on her lips after three long months, "You didn't think I will let you face them alone?"

She laughs, as her hand is wrapped in his warm hands, "I knew you will be here because you just can't stay away from me. And I am ready as I ever will be".

"We go in all, baby, in love and war".

She nodded, "We will go in". Then she grins, "I love you".

The surprise flashes on his face and before he could say anything she stepped onto the war ground.

She will fight everyone for herself, her husband, and her future. One day she will be proud of who she is.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now