11|of date night

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There was something that was setting him off

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There was something that was setting him off. Ever since he was awake he had his family surrounding him. He didn't get to sit alone for a minute and he will be lying if he says that he likes it.

The good thing was they didn't enter his apartment. He didn't want anyone there. It will mean they will be touching and replacing his stuff and he likes them in order. In a sequence that helps ease his anxiety.

He spent all day in his office memorising what his manager said. He needs to step up the game of this fake play which means going on dates, buying her gifts, and stuff that makes him shudder.

As he enters his house with a sigh, he hears squealing somewhere, and before he could process anything a body collided with him and he lost his balance for a second before he regained it and wrapped his arms tightly around the scent that ease the knot that was building in his chest.

He released a sigh and inhale her scent allowing it to wash all over him.

"Hey, baby". He whispers, pulling back as he looks at her grinning face, "What's got you so happy?"

Her cheeks were permanently pink probably from the excitement, and he can't help smiling inwards, he likes this. He likes the blush, her shy eyes, her smile, and her. He likes all of this especially coming home to her.

"I got in". She said grinning as she wiggled in his arms but he didn't let go making her frown

"In what?"

"I got in the Diva Award for this year and my votes are the highest".

He felt the beam of pride in his chest because he knows about the award show. He had countless models being selected for that award show and it was a big deal for everyone, especially the fashion/modeling industry. Once you win, you have it all under your feet.

"This is your first time?" And she nodded, "I know you will win".

"Will you vote for me?" She tilts her head as he raises an eyebrow, "You have to vote for me".

"Why will I do that for?"

"Because I am your wife?"

He pretended to think for a moment as she pushes him off narrowing her beautiful eyes at him.

"You will do it, mister". She said firmly

He shrugged.

"I will think about it".

She huffed, "Will you come to the show?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Of course. This is the most important thing for me. I want you to be there".

"Then I will be there". He said closing the distance between them, "This reminds me that you didn't post me on your Instagram".

She frowns, "I did post you yesterday".

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