10|of concerns and hearts

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BY some miracle she didn't sustain any injuries besides a little sore body due to the massive impact and her previous injuries opening up

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BY some miracle she didn't sustain any injuries besides a little sore body due to the massive impact and her previous injuries opening up. She was still under observation by the doctors just in case something might have gone wrong with her.

No one believed that she could've gotten out of such a bad accident without injuries and she couldn't even speak the whole time because of the shock. It was just an accident. The fact that her husband made sure she was covered while their car was rolling had her mute. The way his whole body was shielding her. It was just something that knocked her breath out.

"I said I need to see her". She heard angry screams and it's been an hour or so she wasn't sure

So many people have come and gone. So many consolations. Yet, she didn't speak or even move a muscle. She didn't feel anything but fear. Deep rooting fear. Somewhere in her mind, she was aware of the fact that this was not just an accident. Her manager confirmed the fact just a few minutes after she was taken for observation. Her husband was moved to a different room and she was worried sick about him. Because she didn't move she didn't know how he was doing. The guilt and fear were eating her alive.

She had vomited. A couple of times since she came in. That was also the reason doctors believe she might show symptoms later even if the reports are all clear. She can't tell them that vomiting is only because of feelings. She can't hold anything down for a minute. Anything they fed her for energy was out before it even went in.

Just as her husband busts through the door the guilt crashes into her. Her eyes filled with tears when she saw the bandage on his head, and the deep cut on his face and she knows for sure there are more injuries hidden from her.

"Baby". He said sighing as he quickly closed the distance between them hugging her body, "I was so scared".

That was enough to have her full-out bawling. This is all her fault.

"I am sorry". She cried as she held onto his gown, "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have done all this. I-".

He pulls away from her, placing his finger on her lips, "Shh". He wipes her tears as she hears him mumble 'I hate tears' "It's ok. Nothing happened".

She felt her insides turn at his words, "What do you mean by that?" She almost screamed, "You are hurt. Look at you-". She couldn't complete her sentence as she looks at the bandage on his hand

He place a finger on her chin, moving it so now she was looking into his eyes and she felt the same way she always felt when she looks into his eyes.


"I am fine". His thumb wipes under her eyes, "We are fine. I promise this is the last time something like this happened. I am sorry for not stopping this from happening".

She held his hand, closing her eyes as she tries to push her fear back, "It's not your fault".

He notices the shaking in her body. At first, it was just her hand but he saw the shivering of her body. He knew the temperature of the room was fine. It must be the aftershock. The event itself was a puzzle.

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