19|of talks and peace

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She stirred when she found a hand caressing her cheeks

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She stirred when she found a hand caressing her cheeks. She felt the need not to be awake and just lay there allowing the hand to explore around.

She could hear the muttering in the distance. She tried hard to focus around her and to open her eyes, yet she couldn't.

"He hadn't moved from her side in two days, Zafar". She heard a woman stressing and desperation clear in her voice as she added, "He is not talking, eating, or even looking at us. He is like a robot, sitting there, just holding her hand".

She heard a tired sigh, "Inaya, he is fine. He can't leave his wife because he is scared. Let him be. The doctor said Aaira is not on drugs anymore. She should be waking up soon. I am sure our son can handle a few more hours before his wife puts him in his place".

"But, he is my son. I never saw him like this. He is always the strongest, calmest, and composed". His mother's voice pained, "He looks broken, Zafar. My child looks broken and I can't do anything about it".

"You are his mother, I understand. You were in the same situation once, Inaya. Do you remember how you were then?" His mother must have said something because his father added, "Exactly. He is as fine as someone in his place can be. He just needs to have a good talk with his wife to snap out of it. You can't force him".

She heard the door closing and the heart monitor went crazy around her. Because her heart hurts.

The little conversation she heard from his parents did something to her heart. Something that hurts more than her face right now. She heard hushed whispers of her husband in her eyes as he coax and plead for her to open her eyes this time.

She did everything possible to do that for him. If she was what he needed, she needs to be there. She had to be there.

She opens her eyes blinded by the light for a few seconds before she focused again to find the beautiful pair of eyes gazing at her. She could have sworn his eyes were red, puffy and just now they were misty.

He was crying.

Her heart clenched.

She reaches out her hand placing it on his cheeks as he leans into her touch, "Hi".

Her voice was crooked and he immediately pull away to her dismay and brought a glass of water. He helps her to sit on the bed, sitting beside her with his hand around her waist.

She drinks a little water before pushing it away and leaning into his side because her body was still exhausted. She remembers clearly what went down. She just doesn't want to panic in front of her.

She was petrified. She had been in situations where she was plain old scared. This, however, was gripping her very soul. She felt trapped. She felt suffocated. She felt terror throughout her body as she felt the dull throbbing on her face.

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