15|of unsaid words and secrets

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"HE sued him?"

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"HE sued him?". She sat on her dressing chair shocked, "For everything he was worth?"

"And more". Her manager added, "Ibrahim came to my office crying and all. He said that he will not have any money left and his partners are ending the deals after your confession". She can hear her manager was pleased, "Mahira is also under fire for not supporting woman in sexual harassment".

She nodded.

She wasn't sure how to take it all in. Sure, things happened. But she thought that was it. She never sued anyone much less have someone sue someone else for her. That was a headache especially when law is involved. But, she guesses the law is what her husband says. Right now, everyone is on his side or her. Because he was defending her by fighting everyone. Now she knows where he went after they came back from the office yesterday. He was also busy through the wedding yet he kept her close. Like he was afraid something would happen to her. He didn't even let her stand too long saying she hurt her feet and she needs rest.

It was these little things. These things he does that melts her heart. That places a feeling inside her chest that causes an explosion to happen. 

"Anyways, get ready, I will pick you-".

"No need". She yelps, turning back to find her husband sitting on her bed with a magazine in his hands, with her picture as the cover photo and a frown on his face, yet he looks adorable, "I will bring her".

"Ok". Her manager said ending the call before she could have said something

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked, raising his eyes to meet her eyes, "You need to get ready or we will be late".

"I thought having a husband as an owner has advantages". She teases and his lips quiver

"It does. One of which is that he can destroy a signed document and make a new one". He said, placing a few sheets on the table, "Why don't you have a look yourself this time? If there is something you want to add, I can do that".

"What if I say I want a vacation after every two weeks that the company will pay for?" She said smiling as she sits beside him and his hand immediately pulling her to his side as he places a kiss on her cheek

"Then I will do that".

"For me?"

"Just for you".

"You do know that it will be a loss for you?"

He shrugged, "I have enough in my bank account to bear a few losses. As long as I get to do something for my wife".

"You know you are getting very comfortable with that title". She said as she looked at the documents

"I am just making sure you don't forget".

"Forget what?"

"That you are mine".

She gulped when her heart started thrashing, ready to jump out of her chest instead she leans into his body as she looks through the documents. He explained whatever points she didn't understand.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now