5|of marriage & deals

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SHe must have lost her mind after being attacked that way. She can't believe that she was standing in front of the two people she admired from far.

Zafar and Inaya.

According to Ayaan, he cut to chase, and right after they signed the agreement papers in court, he brought her to his family's house. It wasn't in the plan and she wasn't informed. She wasn't even sure if she was dressed appropriately. She didn't dress up like a bride. She just wore her regular dress for the occasion.

"She is my wife". Ayaan said nonchalantly and if she could she would slap him across his face a million times at least for the way he is so indifferent about this situation

Does he feel no tension? She was suffocating under the intense gaze of his family and she was so close to hiding behind him.

"Do you want us to dance?" Zafar asked huffing and her eyes widen, "Why didn't you keep her a secret like how you signed the papers without us?"

"Because she is my wife". Was Ayaan replied and she feel he is broken because those are the only words he is saying

"Yes, son, I am sure I heard you the first time. I want to know what you expect of us?" Zafar asked, leaning on his chair, "Please sit down, child. I have to deal with my son for a moment. He takes longer to load situations than any other person".

Inaya hits the back of Zafar's head, "All of my children take after you. I can't believe this". She was ready for an outburst towards her when his mother looks at her, "Did he force you?"

What? She looks at the genuine concern in his mother's eyes and she can't believe these people. Are they normal? She was waiting for anger and being called a gold digger. Yet, they are all against him? Their son?

She gulped, managing to bring a small smile on her lips, "No. He didn't".

"What did you even see in him?" Zafar asked, looking at his son shaking his head, "That's that. Anyways, congratulations to you two. We will prepare a function to announce it to everyone soon".

"No. We married this way so there are no functions". Ayaan interrupted

His mother narrowed her eyes, "Say it again. I dare you". Even his father takes a step back, "You married a girl in secret. You will not keep her a secret or show her to the world just in words. You will honor her. Do you hear me, Ayaan Zafar?"

"Yes, Mama". Ayaan said dejected, "We will leave then".

"Oh, no, you won't. Sit down". Inaya growled and immediately they sat down scared of her anger, "Good. Now, we will discuss how we will let the world know about this marriage so it doesn't affect her image. I can't believe you didn't think of how people will perceive her especially when she is married to one of the sons in secret, Ayaan".

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now