17|of past and present

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"So, you remember me since that day?"

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"So, you remember me since that day?"

She had her back against his chest as they lay on the couch. Their leg in front of them. His hands was wrapped around her waist and his head on her shoulder as he spoke softly to her.

One of his hands was massaging her back easing her pain while the other was in front doing the same. The pain was still there but his voice and touch was a good distraction. The need to know more about how he built a company on her word beats all the pain.

"I never forgot you". He mumble, "I was simply taken back to my world. I didn't get a chance to find you. It was about a few months later when I saw you in the magazine. I recognized you".

"You didn't feel like I was being stupid and insecure by hiding behind everything".

He shakes his head, his lips brushing against her shoulder skin creating buzzing in her body, "It is your decision, baby. You are your own person. If you want the world to see you that way, I am no one to have an opinion".

"But why did you start your company for me?"

He sighs, "There was something missing".


"From your eyes. The day I saw you on the airport. There was a shine in your eyes. There was something else too. But I could feel the shine in them. When I saw your picture on the magazine it was empty. Like a shell. I wanted to do something for you. I wanted to build a place for you to be yourself. I am not saying you have to do it. I am just saying there is a place for you whenever you need".

She bites her lips, "I don't know. I am scared".

"I know you are. I want you to know that you have me. You have my family. You have everyone on your side".

"Your family never saw me".

"Maybe. But, do you think that they will not accept you?"

No, she didn't. She knows everyone from his family was amazing.

"If you want we can have a private meeting with them. You can see how they react. I will make sure there are no outsider and no one that you need to worry about". He added

"Not yet". She said, leaning into him, "I need time".

"And you have it". He whispers, "You said you were craving strawberry cheesecake. I will go and bake it now".

"I already had a pizza and sweets. I can't have more". She added hurriedly

He frowns, "Why not?"

"Because I will gain weight. I told you".

"And I told you that you are perfect in every way. I am going to bake it for you". He said firmly as he gently move her on the couch

He stretch a little and she felt a lump forming in her throat. His muscle tense as he did and she could feel the heat rising in her body. She knows exactly how his hands feel around her. And she wants to feel them again.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now