3|of past fear

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SHe needs to cancel her subscription to these overthinking. She seriously needs to do it. If possible, immediately. After she returned to her apartment she is yet to stop thinking about him. She wouldn't think about him if possible because mostly they fought and he was a jerk. However, the last part is constantly on her mind.


She needs to stop!

She heard her phone ringing when the first ray of sun was out and she groans because she knows now there is no chance of sleeping. She has big days coming in. She often sacrifices her sleep on these occasions.

She decided to answer the call before her manager decided to bang on her door which can lead to noise complaints which was a thing in higher society. They will even kill animals for making a sound in their streets. It is that horrible. She had heard a couple of gunshots around the area and she remembers crying because she didn't have the power to help those poor strays. What she did was have an animal rescuing organization take all the stray while she paid for everything. Even now, she was assisting financially with those animals.

She answered the call as she heard screaming from the other side, immediately she moves the phone away.

"Good morning to you too, Sarah". She said rolling her eyes, "To what do I owe this screaming for?"

"I thought we were clear that you will not cause any trouble when you went to your friend's wedding". Sarah growled and she quietly agreed, "Then explain to me why #Ayira is trending on all social media platforms?"

She frowns, "What? What's the hashtag?"

"There is a video and bunch of photos of you and The Ayaan Zafar. Do you realize he is B5's son? Do you know how this rumor can affect all our hard work?"

She groans, because for sure she knew she will regret speaking to that man and she has just spent all night thinking about him. She didn't need to think about some hashtags now.

"I don't want to deal with this, Sarah. Clear it all. We just argued because he was being a jerk and that's all. There is nothing more. Deny and put an end to it". She said, shutting down the phone

She has greater things she needs to do. She has way better things to do than worry about him. Or even think. Yeah, definitely don't have enough time to do that.

Today is her meeting with the first cosmetic brand that offered her an ambassador position. The only problem that she seems to face after deep research is that this company promotes "whitening" solution to youth who is already lost and insecure. She knows exactly what insecurities feel like.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now