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"OUR Ayaan sure knows how to get attention". Akbar teases, "First all those women in scandals". Her temporary husband grumbles, "Now a beautiful woman who is married to him in secret".

Her husband's hand wrapped around her hand. He tugged her a little close to him and she watches how all three people in front of her were watching that little interaction keenly.

"I am not involved with any of those women in rumors. Don't put things in my wife's head". Ayaan replied

Akbar snickers, "Your wife probably saw all of those scandals before she even got married to you. She must know those were just rumours".

She can't speak. Not when her eyes are locked with Romaisa. The woman was evergreen. Her eyes were so dark when she stared at her. It was as if she was challenging her. Yet, she was leaning on her temporary husband who had his arms wrapped around her. The softness that carries in the simple touch was visible on them. Even her temporary husband's eyes were accessing her. Though, Romaisa's eyes seem more like someone who knows her secret and that causes her body to stiffen.

For someone like Romaisa she must have seen the way her body changed because the smirk that appeared on her lips only confirms that they both understand that Romaisa has something on her hands and it was not good.

"My love?" Her temporary husband whispers in her ear, "Relax. She doesn't know anything". She does, she wants to scream at him, "You are selling yourself".

She gulped when Romaisa moved away from her husband's hand and she watched how immediately Kabir went into defensive mode. Kabir's eyes start to take care of any danger and his shoulders stiffen to prevent any harm that can come to his wife.

"Aaira". Romaisa said nonchalantly yet she can see the way her name rolls out of her, it was as if she could peel off her facade, "Isn't it lovely to see you".

"You are so beautiful". She blurted out and immediately closed her eyes, "Sorry. I am just excited to see you in person".

"Are you?" Romaisa said smirking, and she nodded, "I guess that makes one of us".

"Romaisa". Kabir warned as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him and immediately he relaxed by having his wife in his hands, "Please excuse us and enjoy your night".

She watches the three people walk away and she felt her breathing shorten at the way Romaisa gaze made her skin crawl. The woman was dangerous and if she found out about her past it would be worse. She doesn't need anyone to know.

She tried to breathe and to stabilize her situation because of the people around. She don't want to cause a scene yet her panic attack was kicking in. From the outside, she was sure no one could see it unless they were paying close attention.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now