9|of dramatic turns

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HER eyes flutter open to the loud sounds from outside. At first she thought it was because of the wedding preparation which she realized soon that it wasn't.

As she stands on the terrace of her room wearing a shawl to cover her. She looks down at every man and some women from the house playing football. They were all serious and glaring at one another. She quickly realized the two teams were from their two different color shirts. It was like a full tournament.

Blue and Green. Those two were the shades of the team. Her temporary husband was wearing a blue shirt with the number "20" on the back. She was surprised at how fast her eyes found him. With the mess they were making, it should be hard for her to find him. But, she found him too soon. That scares her too.

Just as she was compelling herself to look away, her temporary husband's eyes found her. His eyes narrow at her and a small smirk appears on his face. She tilts her head because she was hiding her face from the shawl and narrows her eyes waiting to see what he was on about.

Last night, they managed to stay together without being caught. Though it was thrilling to know they were sneaking around, it was crazy too. Because for what reasons will he ever go through all that risk and pain to get to her?

According to what his mother told her before he was kicked out. The security was tight. To find her, he must have gone through her room and other areas before he found her in the basement. It doesn't make sense. His ground rules and action are opposite to each other. And confusing. So much confusion.

She watches as he narrows his eyes at the ball before he strides towards it. The confidence that oozes out of him was so amazing. She watches in awe as he manages to score the last goal for his team.

Everyone cheered for the winning team while the girls from the other team were whining as the boys console them. It was endearing. She saw his eyes looking at her and she was sure she had a grin.

Not even a few minutes later, his mother and a few more women came into her room. His mother hugged her whispering consoling words and she was sure it was because she had no family.

She inhales the motherly warmth from her, enjoying every second of being cooped up in this room.

The day was the longest she ever had. In between preparations, guests, and photoshoot, she was too tired to even go to the event prepared downstairs. She didn't meet her temporary husband as of now. Most of her shoot was only with the ladies or solo.

She sits on the bed as she tries to wiggle out of her heel before his mother will come back for her. As she bends to open the straps, a hand reaches out and she freaks out imagining her stalker attacking her again.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now