6|of ground rules

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HE gently leads her to the couch trying his best to not lose his temper and find the bastard who hurt her. This was unnatural. He had never felt this anger, no, this was fury after watching the way she reconciled. The pain that appeared on her face was a punch to his guts. All he wants is a name so he can do everything besides talking.

This was the first time he had ever felt this way. It was scary. Because he was planning different ways to kill someone and he had never thought of killing anyone once before. He gets angry often, yes. He never felt like he would lose his mind. He never felt helpless.

Yes, it's as awful as it seems. While she was struggling with the pain that he was not aware of he did nothing to help. She went to the marriage office, to his parents for hours without any complaints. Without saying that any of her body aches. If he was right from his assessment that gauze was not just for something little.

It was thick which means something must have gone wrong, terribly. As he watches her eyes taking in the apartment that he could care less about, he stilled. His eyes narrow when her neck moves a little bit to the left while watching the few pictures on display on the shelf.

There were marks on her neck. He didn't even hesitate as he leaped toward her placing his hand on the scarf to remove it. The way she jumped away from him and that fear that appeared in her widened eyes sucked his soul away.


His hand didn't move from the scarf that was wrapped around her neck as he waits for her to realize he means no harm. His free hand moves forward slowly so she can see what he was planning to do and her eyes remain on his hand. He gently placed it on her cheek which was soft and thin. He moved his thumb around trying to calm her down to stop shaking. He hates that he caused this. He should have controlled himself. He should have done better.

"It's just me, love". He whispers, "It's only Ayaan".

She blinks a few times before she replies, "Ayaan?"

"Yes. It's me. You are ok". He said, as his finger traced over her cheekbone, "Are you ok?"

She nodded.

"Good. I want to remove this scarf, Aaira". He didn't want to give her an option because he knows she won't show him

She held her breath and his eyes hypnotizes her to think clearly. There was this softness and darkness in them. She was sure the softness was held for her to not panic, however, the darkness was only because of the wounds he continues to find on her.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now