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( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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( ꈍᴗꈍ)

She had been awake for a total of four hours after going through some intense hospital services. She was informed of the damages after she was conscious for a longer period. They said that thankfully her face wasn't hit. Her neck has marks and her body was wounded because of the glass in different places. They were still monitoring her just in case she had hit her head somewhere.

Her manager walked in, and she can see how dejected she looks. Her eyes were red and her hair messy. Her manager was always someone who carries herself with perfection and that is what her job demands too. However, right now, she can see her age on her face. The dark circle around her eyes and the wariness in her steps.

"How bad is it?"

"Oh my Gosh, Aaira". Her manager cried, pulling her in a hug, "I was so scared for you. When you called I thought I will lose my mind hearing your screams. Thank God, the security managed to come on time". The ramble of her manager continued as she walked

She pulls away from her hug, feeling suffocated, "What is it?" She knows something is very wrong

"T-They said they won't do any report on this case. The police refuse to even acknowledge the matter. When I insisted they said that these cases happen often with celebrities and we should be habitual to it".

"How? Give me the phone". She snatched the phone, dialing the officer's number after her manager told her, "Is this officer Raymond?" When he said yes, "I would like to know why my complaints are not taken into consideration".

"With all due respect, Ma'am, these cases are very common. After your manager insisted we do something we went into your apartment and we found nothing beside broke furniture. The man was not caught on CCTV and there are no signs to follow. This is a cold case".

"So, the fact that I am in hospital because someone managed to break through such tight security means nothing".


She slammed the phone shut, growling, "What about the owner of the building?"

"Apparently, he is on a long vacation where he is not answering any calls".

Her jaw ticks, "That means that it is somewhere powerful behind it".

Her manager nodded, "I am sure it is someone powerful. No one can break through that kind of security that easily. There is no way he can run that fast and vanish in thin air".

Her heart stopped, "H-He wasn't caught?"

"Why do you think they are closing the case down? There are no signs, not even the man in question".

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now