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Five months later:

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Five months later:

It feels like years have passed between them. Not in a bad sense, in a very good sense. Every day, she wonders how this man remains so perfect.

After the initial issues, they were able to float through the waves together and reach the shore. It wasn't easy.

People never let them be.

She did the press conference explaining all of the stalker situations. She didn't go into deep details just a basic of how things went.  That should be enough for the media. She was able to clear her husband's accusations and instead made him the hero he was.

The other thing was that her husband's family decided they will buy out the shares of Ayaan's company from the people who always seem to be on his head and so now the company officially belongs to the B5.

She has a share in his company too. She was an active member of his company and now she was able to find a place and build it however she desires. It was still a work in process and she was still working on hiring the models who expose natural imperfections.

"Will you take some rest?" Her husband fussing over her as usual

It has become a habit now.

She usually forgets to eat her food due to her workload. Her husband, however, never forgets her meals.

"I will-".

She didn't even get to complete the sentence when he lifts her off the office chair.

"You will eat now. You know I don't like eating alone and I especially don't like you skipping food".

He grumbled the whole way to the kitchen about how careless she was with herself and her health. It was sweet. The only reason she was ever careless for once in her life about herself was him. He was always there. He always takes care of her.

She doesn't have to constantly worry about being perfect. He doesn't care. She doesn't anymore. It was hard to set that image of her. Yet, she did. Now she had a separate image though. Of his wife.

People do expect from them. But they were both private about their affairs. They never drag attention to themselves. Even though he wanted her for his image, he never once did anything to perfect it. The media attention was on them for a very short period after they found out that they won't find a scoop on them, they left them alone.

That reminds her of the traitor who let those two bastards in. It was still a mystery. No one knows who was responsible for the act. There are doubts and fear around since this whole organization was built for their protection and was a private organization made from scratch. There is a gap because of what went down.

Her husband was still mad about it. Every time he looks at the scar on her back, he will curse and gets mad all over again. He blames himself. No matter what she says, he always blames himself.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 1: Glam Where stories live. Discover now