20|The stalker talk

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She was pretty sure that when she slept, he was here

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She was pretty sure that when she slept, he was here. Yet, when she woke up, he was not. She knows that he will not leave her by choice. Something must have happened.

His mother was here.

She was the one who she found in the lounge when she woke up around in the afternoon. Almost fearing that she made a wrong impression, she took tentative steps toward her.

His mother's warm smile greets her putting her heart at ease, "How are you doing, child?"

She nodded, "I am good".

"Come on". His mother gestured towards her, "Let's have some girl's time before my son and husband take us away".

She smiles, "Zafar loves you".

"So do I".

"You always knew you loved him?"

His mother's rich laughs echo through the house, "No. I didn't. I was actually forced to marry him by our dads".

Her eyes widened, "What?"

A faraway look appears in his mother's eye, "I think our parents were fed up with our bickering. They decided to take action. They married us and that's how slowly but surely I found out that I love him".

"Was it easy?"

"Loving him?" His mother asked and she nodded, "No. Never. It was always a task that takes effort. He drives me crazy most days and other days I do the same to him. But, we always knew that in the end, we would come back to each other. That our relationship needs time and effort from both of us".

She paused. Efforts from both of them? Now that she has considered all these past months, she didn't put as much effort into this relationship while he was doing the most.

"What is it?" His mother asked softly placing a hand over her hand stopping her from harming herself and she didn't once look down at her hand or her with pity

"I think I like him".

That causes another laugh to escape his mother as she looks at her confused.

"You think?" His mother snickers, "My son will have a heart attack soon".


"Because if you are still in the thinking phase, he has a long time to wait for you, I don't think he will mind waiting for you for a long time by the way he looks at you".

"How does he look at me?"

"Like you are the reason he is living".

"What do you mean?"

"I have raised three children, Aaira. Each one with their personality. Growing up, we had a big family and so many amazing figures around for our children to look up to. Unfortunately, my oldest son thought he liked Kabir a little too much. He used to follow Kabir around all the time, to the point that Kabir couldn't even do his work which is not clean work for sure. Anyways, Kabir figured that he likes my son too and then they both were unstoppable. As much as my husband gets jealous of their bond and use to whine about it. We knew our son was the quiet one. The one who will not show emotions and the one who will always be there for everyone even if there was no one for him". His mother smiles sadly, "I didn't like the fact when I realize it. We tried our best to be there for them. But, sometimes, we can only do so much".

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