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Minho's POV:

I can't tell her, she'll hate me... but now I have to say something or else that would be suspicious...

Y/n: "You what?"

I just splash water in her face and she looks at me annoyed.

Minho: "I think you look cute when you're mad *nervous laugh and runs*"

Y/n's POV:

Me: "YAH, YOU!!!"

I laugh, run after him and also splash water on him. We just continue splashing water at each other. I really didn't have that much fun with him in a long time. We are both having fun and I have to admit, Minho's smile is just so pretty...

After we had much fun playing, we are now walking ack to our place where we see the other members already waiting for us.

Chan: "Where were you that long??"

Me: "Sorry, we were taking a walk at the beach."

Chan nods. We start packing our things to go back to the house and me and Minho are talking and bickering and joking around while packing our things. I notice, that Seungmin was staring at us, so I walk over to him.

Me: "Hey Minnie! *smile*"

Seungmin: "Hey *cold*"

Me: "Is everything alright?"

Seungmin: "Yes. *whispers* Why would you care anyway..."

I still heard the last part

Me: "I always care about you Minnie, why wouldn't I? *puppy eyes*"

Seungmin: "*looks away* yeah yeah, whatever..."

I just don't mind his weird behavior and we go to the house.

*Time skip, 6 pm*

Changbin comes in my room.

Changbin: "Hey cupcake, dress up and come downstairs, we're eating in a restaurant."

Me: "Okay, I'll hurry up Binnie!"

He leaves my room and I change into this:

I go downstairs and again, the boys look at me in amazement

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I go downstairs and again, the boys look at me in amazement.

Me: "Have you never seen me wear dresses or a swimsuit? *chuckle*"

Jeongin: "We have, but you're still beautiful."

Me: "Thanks *smile*"

Felix: "Let's go, we're walking to the restaurant since it's only 1 block away."

We go out of the house and walk to the restaurant. I'm walking at the back with Minho.

Minho: "The dress is really beautiful and it's even in my favorite color."

Me: "I know, mint is my favorite color as well, that's why I picked it. *smile*"

Minho: "Well, the color mint suits you very well. *smile*"

We arrived at the restaurant, so we go inside and sit down. A waiter already comes to us and we all order our food.

(If someone cares, here's how they are sitting, pause to read:)

Felix Chan Changbin Jeongin

Jisung Minho Y/n Seungmin

After we waited for a while, the food is now finally arriving. We all start eating and the food is really delicious.

Jisung: "So, what are we gonna do after eating?"

Jeongin: "We could go to a bar!"

Minho: "*laughing* I like the way the kid thinks."


They are all begging Chan now to let them go to a bar.

Chan: "Y/n, please help me, you are the only sane one here!"

Jn,Fl,Sm&Hn: "Please let us noona *puppy eyes*"

Me: "Let's let them Chan, just today."

Chan: "fine"

All: "YAY"


Hello, After two weeks, I now also updated the story. I hope you like it and have fun reading it :) ~A/n

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