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*Time skip, after breakfast*

We stand in front of the car, trying to decide on who sits where.

Mh & Sm: "Y/n, will you sit next to me?"

They said it at the same time, so they're bickering now on who gets to sit next to me... those boys...

Me: "We can sit in the middle row and I'll sit between you two, ok?"

They both nod.

Felix: "Changbinnie and me are sitting in the back!"

Chan: "Ok, everyone get in the car!"

We all get in the car and Chan starts the car.

Seungmin: "Will you ride the rollercoaster with me later, princess?"

Me: "Yeah, sure Minnie-"

Minho: "Why the hell are you calling her 'princess'?"

Seungmin: "Why can't I?"

Minho: "Umm, maybe cause she's not your girlfriend."

Seungmin: "Well, she's not your girlfriend either, so I can call her what I want."

Minho was just about to say something else, but I cut him off since I'm tired of their endless bickering.

Me: "Changbin calls me 'cupcake', so what's wrong with Seungmin calling me 'princess'? You can give me a nickname as well if you feel better then. *smile*"

Minho: "I will, love."

Seungmin: "YAH!!"

I blush really hard.

Me: "P-please a n-nickname for friends..."

Minho: "Friends don't call each other 'princess'."

He lifts up one brow and smirks lightly.

Me: "Ok, b-but please j-just call me s-something else..."

Minho: "Sweetie? It suits you *smile*"

I nod.

*Time skip, at the amusement park*

We all get out of the car and in the amusement park.

Jeongin: "Can we ride the rollercoaster first? Pweeeaaassseee?"

Chan: "Sure!"

We go to the rollercoaster and as promised, I sit next to Seungmin. The rollercoaster starts and goes high up. I get a little scared and Seungmin notices so he holds my hand. I look at him shocked while blushing and he just smiles at me so I smile softly back. Before the rollercoaster arrives at the station again, he lets go of my hand, so that the other members won't notice. We all get out of the rollercoaster.

Minho: "Can we go to the claw machine game?"

Felix: "YES!!"

We go to the claw machine game and Minho gets me a teddy bear, with the inscription "For my love". He gives it to me and I blush.

Me: "T-thanks. *shy smile*"

He smiles at me while Seungmin is coming towards us looking jealous... here we go again... he grabs my wrist and drags me to the other members and Minho is following us.


next part :)

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