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Minho&me: "morning guys."

The boys ask us to sit with them. We walk to the couch when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my lower body. Cramps. I hold my stomach which the boys immediately notice.

Minho: "hey, are you okay love? *worried*"

I nod.

Jisung: "wow, did hyung really go that hard on you, noona?"

He looks at us with a smirk.

Me: "what? No! wtf we didn't-"

Minho: "ignore them love. Come, let's sit down."

He smiles at me and I slightly smile back. We sit down.

Chan: "Minho, Y/n, we wanted to go hiking today, would you like to come with?"

Minho: "of course, I love hiking!"

Me: "I'd rather not go today. You can go but I don't feel like hiking today."

I can hear Felix whispering 'because she can't walk cause of her rough night' to Jisung and they both chuckle. I give them a death glare and they go silent.

Minho: "if you won't go, I'll stay here with you."

Me: "no, It's ok. I know you love hiking. Just go with the boys, I can handle myself."

I smile at him.

Minho: "are you sure?"

Seungmin: "I can stay here with her, hyung. I don't like hiking that much anyways."

He smiles at Minho and Minho smiles back.

Minho: "thanks Seungmin, that's really nice of you."

We watched TV for a bit longer, ate lunch and then they went hiking. I'm sitting in my room right now and since I'm bored, I go to Seungmin's room and knock on the door.

Seungmin: "come in!"

I open the door.

Me: "hey, I was bored so I just went to your room."

He smiles.

Seungmin: "ok. Do you wanna sit down?"

He pats next to him on his bed and I nod and sit next to him.

Seungmin: "umm... I know that this isn't my business, but can I ask if you two really... you know...?"

Me: "huh? Oh, no. we didn't!"

Seungmin: "okay... why was your lower body hurting then?"

Me: "period cramps..."

Seungmin: "oh... is it okay now?"

I nod

Seungmin: "tell me if it hurts, ok?"

Me: "*smile* I will. What are we gonna do while they're gone?"

Seungmin: "wanna watch movies?"

I nod, we lay down on his bed and he puts on a movie. After a while, I fall asleep.

*time skip*

Minho's POV:

We just got home from hiking and are sitting in the living room.

Minho: "Seungmin, Y/n, we're back!"

One minute later, Seungmin comes downstairs.

Seungmin: "hey guys, how was it?"

Changbin: "it was very nice."

Minho: "Where's Y/n?"

Seungmin: "she's in my room, she fell asleep while watching movies."

Minho: "in your room?"

Seungmin: "yes, she was bored so she came to my room and we watched movies. Don't worry, we didn't cuddle or something like that."

I nod. I know she's my gf and she chose me over Seungmin, but I still feel jealous when she's much around him, especially when they're being touchy.

Y/n comes downstairs.


hii :) so, here's the next update, I hope you enjoy the story :))

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