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He hesitates and looks nervous.

Seungmin: "I-I k-kissed her..."

Their eyes widened.


With that, he walks out of the house and slams the door shut. I want to follow him, but Chan stops me.

Chan: "Let him some time, he'll come back when he's ready."

I nod. We decide to go to bed so everyone goes to their room. The others are sleeping already, but I can't sleep because I feel guilty because of Minho and he's still not back so I'm worrying about him. I'm on my phone, scrolling through social media, when suddenly the door of my room opens.

Me: "Minho, you're back? I'm sorry because of the kiss-"

He cuts me off by kissing me.

Minho: "I don't want to hear that now!"

Me: "Why does your breath smell like alcohol? Are you drunk?"

He ignores my question and starts kissing me roughly. He hovers above me, pinning me on the bed, and removes his shirt while kissing now my neck. I try to stop him but he just continues. I finally manage getting him off me.

Me: "Minho, stop! First off, you're drunk so I'm not doing that with you, and second, did you already forget that I'm on my period?!"

Minho: "I don't care, we can put a towel underneath us, I don't mind the blood and I'm not that drunk, I just drank coke and maybe one or two shots but not more."

He pins me on the bed again and kisses me again.

Me: "No, I don't want to lose my virginity like this just that you can get revenge on Seungmin!"

Minho: "You're still virgin?"

I nod.

Minho: "But I'm not doing this for revenge on Seungmin!"

Me: "Why do you want to do it then so bad?"

A tear falls down his cheek

Minho: "because I f*cking love you and it hurts me to see you with him and now that you even kissed him, I'm scared I might lose the love of my life..."

Me: "That's cute Minho, but what did you plan on doing? Making me pregnant so that I have to be with you?"

Minho: "No, I wouldn't do that, I don't know... sorry... if you don't love me, I can't force you to be with me."

A tear rolls down his cheek again so I wipe it away.

Me: "Hey, don't cry. I love you too much to see you cry."

Minho: "Yeah, you love me as a friend..."

Me: "I don't, I love you as more than a friend."

I kiss him and he kisses me back passionately. We didn't do it cause I didn't want to but we had a make out session and after that, he cuddled with me in my bed (still with his shirt off ofc 😉) and we fell asleep while he was backhugging me around my waist.

*Time skip, next morning*

I woke up by Minho giving me wet kisses on my neck.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Minho: "There was still a free place on your neck, so I'm making a hickey there as well. Did I wake you up, sweetie?"

I chuckle at his statement and nod.

Minho: "Sorry"

We get up and he goes to his room to get dressedand I put on this:

I try putting the jacket and my hair on my neck so that no one sees the hickeys Minho gave me yesterday

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I try putting the jacket and my hair on my neck so that no one sees the hickeys Minho gave me yesterday. I walk out of my room and see Minho waiting for me.

Minho: "Why did you cover the hickeys? *smirk*"

Me: "I don't want drama with Minnie this early."

Minho: "Ok. They'll see them later anyways, we're going to the beach again. *smirk*"

Me: "But I'm-"

Minho: "I know, but you can just wear tampons and also you don't have to go swimming."

I nod and we walk to the kitchen to see Chan preparing breakfast.

Chan: "Oh, hey. You're up already. Can you go and wake up the others?"

We nod and wake up the others and tell them to go to the dining room to eat breakfast. All of them got ready and now we're eating breakfast.

Jisung: "So, you two get along again?"

He asked Minho and me and we both nod while smiling.

Changbin: "Where were you yesterday btw, hyung?"

Minho: "I was at a bar, but *looks at Chan* don't worry, I only drank coke and one or two shots."

Chan nods.

Chan: "For the ones who don't know yet btw, we're going to the beach today again because it's gonna be our last day before we have to go home again."

Seungmin looks at me and I whisper in his ear 'later' so that I'll tell him later, he's so cute he even worries about me cause I'm on my period.

(A/n: Y/n is sitting between Seungmin and Minho btw)

After breakfast, I talk to Seungmin.

Seungmin: "What will you do when we go to the beach?"

Me: "Don't worry, I'll just wear a tampon and I won't swim. It'll be okay."

I give him a reassuring smile and he nods and smiles back. After that, I go to my room and put on my swimsuit. I get out my makeup kit and try to cover the hickeys with concealer. It works but you can still see it a bit when you look closely so I just hope they won't see it. I hear a knock on my door.

Me: "Come in!"

I'm still putting makeup on my neck when Minho comes inside and closes the door after him.

Minho: "Why are you covering my hard work? *pout*"


long part because I couldn't update these days :)

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