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*30 mins later*

Everyone finished eating, so we're at a bar right now. That was a bad idea... I am sitting together with Minho while drinking a drink he bought me. He's already pretty drunk like the other members, Chan and me are the only ones who aren't drunk af already. I go and sit with Chan.

Me: "Let's go, they're already drunk enough."

He nods and we gather all the members and go to the house.

We just arrived at the house and everyone is sitting on the couch in the living room now.

Jisung: "LeT's PlAy TrUtH oR dArE!"

All: "YeS!!"

Chan & me: "No, you're going to sleep now!"

Felix: "If YoU dOn'T pLaY wItH uS, wE wOn'T lEt YoU sLeEp!"

We just sigh and play with them.

Jisung: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "Truth, I don't trust you when you're drunk!"

Jisung: "Do YoU lIkE oNe Of Us?"

Y/n: "Y-yes..."

I look down and they all make an 'OoOoOoO' sound except Chan.

Chan: "FR?! W-WHO?!"

Y/n: "I won't tell you! Now we played, we're all going to sleep!"

All(except Chan): "*sad* OoOoHh... Ok :("

We all went into our rooms and got changed to go to bed.


I just laid down on my bed when someone comes into my room

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I just laid down on my bed when someone comes into my room.

Seungmin: "Noona?"

Me: "Yes Seungmin-ah?"

Seungmin: "Can I talk to you?"

Me: "Of course, sit down."

I sit up and pat the place next to me for him to sit there and he sits on my bed.

Me: "So Minnie, what happened?"

Seungmin: "Do you like Minho?"

He sounds very sad while saying that and looks like he's about to cry.

Me: "What? Why are you asking that?"

Seungmin: "Because earlier, you said that you like one of us and you always look at him... and also at the beach you two looked like a happy couple."

While saying that, he starts crying.

Me: "Hey, please don't cry... Look, we can talk tomorrow, but not now because you're drunk and also it's pretty late already."

Seungmin: "But I don't wanna sleep, what if I go to bed and tomorrow, I get to know that you and Minho slept together and are a couple now"

And he cries again... I comfort him hoping he stops crying, but he won't stop.

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