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Me: "Do you want anyone of the boys to kill you? Cause they will if they find out about this."

Minho: "Fine."

He grabs my hand and we walk to the others. Then we walk to the beach together. The boys go into the water, but Minho wanted to stay with me.

Minho: "Wanna take a walk? *smile*"

I nod and we start walking. After a while, he stops walking so I do the same.

Minho: "I wanna ask you something..."

Me: "Hmm? What is it?"

Minho: "Well, since you know that I love you now, will you be my girlfriend?"(déja vu)

I know, Seungmin asked me the same and I couldn't answer, but I feel like I know it with Minho so I just say it... I'm very sorry... ☹

Me: "Yes, of course"

I smile and hug him. He breaks the hug and kisses me. I'm really sorry for Minnie, but it just felt right to say yes to him and it didn't with Seungmin...

We hold hands and walk back to our place where the others are. They look at us confused.

Hyunjin: "Why are you both holding hands?"

Minho: "We're together now! *smile*"

We both smile widely and the others congratulate us. Even Seungmin did.

Seungmin: "Congratulations... *half smile*"

He's about to go again but I stop him.

Me: "Seungmin wait. I'm sorry..."

Seungmin: "It's ok. As long as you are happy, I'm happy too. *looks at Minho* and you, hyung, don't you dare hurt her."

Minho: "I won't, don't worry."

We all smile at each other. We lay down at our place and talk for a while.

*Time skip, 3 pm*

Chan: "Guys, we have to go to the house now and pack our stuff. We have to be out of the house at 5 pm."

All: "Ok."

We pack our stuff at the beach and go to the house. At the house, everyone goes into their room and packs their stuff. As I was finished packing, I go out of my room. Minho also comes out of his room and sees me, so he walks over to me and grabs my suitcase.

Minho: "I'll carry it, love."

I blush at the word 'love'.

Me: "T-thanks *shy smile*"

He chuckles at me.

Minho: "Are you not gonna call me by a nickname? I mean, we're together now."

I finally stop blushing and chuckle.

Me: "What do you want me to call you? Love?"

He nods excitedly. I chuckle and smile.

Me: "Then I'll do so, love."

I smile and he smiles like a kid that got sweets. He's just so cute, but he's also handsome and he can be hot. He's just everything, he's... perfect...

I was so distracted from my thoughts, that I didn't notice that Minho's already walking in the living room. I quickly follow him and the other members come as well.

Chan: "Do y'all have everything? *we all nod* Ok, then we'll go now."

We leave the house and go inside the car. Seungmin and Jeongin are sitting in the front with Chan, who is driving, Felix, Changbin, Hyunjin and Jisung are sitting in the middle and Minho and me in the back, because Jisung wanted to give us some privacy. I guess he thought that we're gonna kiss or make out on the right or something like that... Naughty boy... but, well, with Minho, you never know... A few seconds after Chan starts the car and drives off, Jisung turns around to us.

Jisung: "Please don't be too loud. Even though we're all watching movies with headphones, don't disturb Chan and also the maknaes don't have to hear that."

I roll my eyes and Minho starts smirking.

Minho: "Don't worry, we won't."

Me: "We won't make out, Hannie!"

Js&Mh: "That's your opinion."

Minho still smirks and I glance at them so Jisung turns around and puts on his headphones as the others.

(A/n: Btw, they had wireless headphones, more earphones, not like the connected ones.)

Minho: "Well, now that they can't hear us... *smirk*"

I widen my eyes.

Me: "What?! No!"

Minho: "Come on, pleeaassee?"

Me: "M-maybe later... but for now, let's watch something..."

He pouts but then nods. I would've said no, but I can't say no to him, he's too cute! And still he wants to make out with me... What's wrong with that guy... but I still love him of course, even though he's kinda crazy, who isn't?

We watch a Movie with headphones while he hugs me around my waist.

*Time skip, 1 ½ hrs later*

The movie is over and the ride is still gonna take 2 ½ hours. I feel Minho staring at me while smiling innocently (as if that guy was innocent)

Minho: "Now?"

I'd say no, but I told him we would do that later so I guess I'll have to... I just hope nobody notices, Jisung would tease me forever cause he was right about us making out on the ride...

Me: "Fine, but if one of the members notice, I'm gonna kill you!"

He smiles and nods.

Minho: "Wait a min..."

He starts doing something on the screen we watched the movie on earlier. I'm still wearing one earphone just as he does and suddenly, he plays music on it. I look at the screens and he put on a playlist on his Youtube account with songs like 'Red lights', 'Love talk' or 'Mmmh'. I smile while looking at him in disbelief.

Minho: "What? That makes it more romantic."

Me: "*chuckle* If you say so..."

He nods and comes closer to me till his lips touch mine. At first, he just kisses my lips passionately for a few minutes, and I kissed back of course. Then, his lips slowly move down my jawline to my neck and then to my cleavage. He slowly pulls down the strap of my shirt but I stop him so he looks at me in disappointment and confusion while pouting.

Me: "We're still in a car love, I don't really want the others to see me nak€d..."

Minho: "Ok..."

He pouts so I kiss him. We kiss passionately again and this time I go down his sharp jawline to his neck. I mean, why should he give me h!ckeys and I don't give him any? He slightly mo@ns.

Me: "Shh, the others will hear us."

I start kissing his neck again and he nods.

*Time skip, 30 mins later*

I stop kissing him, since there's almost no space on the space that his shirt doesn't cover left without h!ckeys. he looks at me and pouts.

Minho: "Why did you stop?"

He's so cute when he pouts.

Me: "Because one, I did that for 30 minutes now and two, your whole neck is full of h!ckeys already."

Minho: "*smirk* There's much space left under my shirt, I could remove it."


sorry for the long time without updates again, still thank you for reading and I made a longer part today as well.

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