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Me: "F*CK!!"

I run inside the bathroom and hear Seungmin knocking at the door.

Seungmin: "Y/n, what happened? Is everything ok? *worried*"

I start crying because I'm too embarrassed to tell him.

Seungmin: "Hey, Y/n, don't cry! Can I come in?"

I don't answer. He comes in and sees me sitting on the floor so he walks over to me and hugs me.

Seungmin: "Shh, it's ok, don't cry please. Are you ok? What happened?"

Me: "It's too embarrassing..."

He wipes my tears away.

Seungmin: "You don't have to be embarrassed in front of me, princess. *smile* I won't tell anyone, you can tell me."

Me: "I-I'm on my p-period..."

Seungmin: "That's nothing you should be embarrassed for. *smile* Do you have pads or tampons?"

I shake my head.

Seungmin: "You wait here, I'll get you some. *smile*"

Me: "T-thanks..."

He smiles at me and leaves.

Seungmin's POV:

I go to the nearest convenience store to buy her pads and tampons, I'll buy both since I don't know what she uses. I'm also buying some chocolate for her.

Y/n's POV:

*15 mins later*

Seungmin just arrived again and he's knocking on the bathroom door.

Seungmin: "Y/n? can I come in?"

Me: "Yes"

He comes in and places pads and tampons in front of me.

Seungmin: "I didn't know what you use, so I just brought both. I also got you some chocolate, I'll put it in your room. Call me when you need something else. *smile*"

Me: "Thanks Minnie, that's really sweet of you. *smile*"

He smiles and walks out of the door and I clean myself and go into my room to see chocolate on my bed. I smile. Since I feel lonely, I decide to go to Seungmin's room.

Seungmin: "Come in"

Me: "Hey, I'm bored, you wanna eat the chocolate together and watch a movie?"

He nods. I sit next to him on his bed and he puts on a movie and we eat the chocolate he bought together.

*Time skip, after the movie*

We are just finished with the movie when the other members come home.

Changbin: "Seungmin, Y/n, we're back!"

We both get up and walk downstairs smiling.

Chan: "Hey, I see you get along again *smile*"

Me: "Yeah, luckily *smile*"

Hyunjin: "Did something happen while we were gone?"

I look at Seungmin nervously, scared he would tell them about the thing with my period.

Seungmin: "No, we just watched a movie."

Felix: "Did you cuddle?"

Seungmin: "nope *smile*"

Felix: "Why are you so happy then?"

Seungmin: "I'm just happy that me and Y/n get along again. *smile*"

I look at him and smile again.

Chan: "Ok, I think we all should go to bed now."

We all nod and go into our rooms and sleep.

*Time skip, next morning*

I woke up by feeling two arms around me.

???: "Wake up, sweetie."

He whispers in my ear.

Me: "What are you doing in my bed, Minho?"

Minho: "Waking you up."

Me: "Ok, you can let go of me now, I'm awake."

He lets go of me and I sit up and stretch.

Minho: "Get dressed and come down, we're going to an amusement park later."

Me: "Ok"

He leaves my room and I put on this:

I also go into the dining room and we eat breakfast

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I also go into the dining room and we eat breakfast.


just as th other ff, I will upload 2 parts here today since I forgot uploading again, have fun reading! ~A/n

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