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Seungmin: "Come, we're going on a water slide"

Me: "You can go on it without me."

Seungmin: "Why? *pout*"

I try saying with my eyes "Cause of you know what..." and I think he gets it because he nods.

Minho: "I'll also not ride it then."

Me: "You don't have to do that for me."

Minho: "But I want to. And also I honestly don't want to get wet."

Jisung: "Ok, wait here, we'll be back."

They go to the waterslide and Minho and me sit down on a nearby bench.

Minho: "Why didn't you want to go on it? I thought you like water and waterslides?"

Me: "I do, it's just..."

I don't know if I should tell him, it's so embarrassing...

Minho: "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He smiles at first, but then his smile fades away and he lowers his head. I don't want him to feel bad or like I had secrets from him, so I just say it.

Me: "I-I'm on my p-period... but please don't tell the others, it's so embarrassing..."

I lower my head in embarrassment.

Minho: "Why would you think that's embarrassing, it's not! And I won't tell the others, don't worry. Let me know if it hurts or if you need something."

I chuckle and nod.

Me: "Thanks."

Minho: "What's so funny?"

Me: "Nothing, it's just that Seungmin said exactly the same. *smile*"

Minho: "You told him as well?"

Me: "Yeah, actually, he even went to the convenience store to buy me pads and tampons yesterday evening since I didn't have anything."

Minho: "Oh, ok."

The others come back again.

Hyunjin: "Hey guys, what did we miss?"

Mh & me: "Nothing. *smile*"

He nods.

*Time skip, 10 pm*

It's late already, we ate at a fast food truck here earlier. We did almost everything in the park now except the ferris wheel so we go to it. There's only one problem now... Seungmin and Minho are of course fighting about who gets to ride with me...

Changbin: "How about Y/n rides it two times, one time with Minho and one time with Seungmin. Would that be ok for you cupcake?"

Me: "Yeah sure, as long as they don't fight about who gets to ride with me first, I'm ok with that."

Minho and Seungmin play rock, paper, scissors to decide on who gets to ride with me first and Minho wins. We all go on the ferris wheel and it starts.

Me: "The view is so beautiful..."

Minho: "it is."

He didn't even look at the view... -_-

Me: "Stop staring at me Minho. *chuckle*"

Minho: "No, thanks. Why don't you have a nickname for me btw? You call Changbin 'Binnie', Felix 'Lix', Jeongin 'Innie', Jisung 'Hannie', Chan 'Channie', Hyunjin 'Jinnie' and Seungmin 'Minnie', but you call me only 'Minho'... *pout*"

Me: "Don't pout, it's too cute to handle. *smile*"

He still won't stop pouting.

Me: "Ok, so what should I call you... little kitten?"

He looks at me in confusion. I chuckle at his cuteness.


I have to admit, I'm kinda proud of myself, I updated two days in a row already... bye :)

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