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He smiles at me lovingly and understanding.

Me: "I-I think yes..."

I return the smile and he gently lays me down.

Minho: "I promise that I will be gentle, plus, it's my first time as well. And always tell me if I do something wrong or hurt you, understood?"

I just nod and he gets on top of me and pecks my lips quickly before his lips go to my neck and he starts marking me. He intertwines our fingers and lovingly continues kissing me.

A/n: "I'll leave the rest to your imagination ;)"

*time skip*

Minho: "good morning, love~"

His gentle voice wakes me up. I slowly open my eyes and look at his face, with a big smile on it, and it makes me smile myself. I peck his lips.

Me: "morning~"

Minho: "did you sleep well?"

I nod. I look at Minho's exposed chest, since he only put the blanket above his stomach, and I lay my hand on it. I slowly grab the blanket and pull it down a bit, but his hand stops me.

Minho: "what are you doing? Want another round already or what?"

He chuckles while I shake my head.

Me: "I just wanted to put the blanket down a bit to cuddle... plus I maybeeee wanted to see your abs..."

I look down shyly as he chuckles and lifts my head.

Minho: "you already saw it yesterday, isn't that enough?"

Me: "but yesterday I was distracted by other things so I didn't look at it. Why don't you want me to see it?"

I pout and his expression turns a bit embarrassed while he lowers his head. I hug him.

Me: "look, if it's because of that scar, you don't have to be embarrassed. I love you, no matter what you look like. Please, if you don't feel comfortable with that, I'll accept that, but that scar really shouldn't be bothering you too much love, okay?"

I look at him but he doesn't respond, so I put the hair over his forehead to the side and give him a peck there.

Me: "I love you, sorry if I made you uncomfortable..."

I look down and see him putting the blanket away. I smile at him as he smiles back and I look at his belly. He has abs, but not too much, and there's a little scar, which, in my opinion, only makes him look perfect. I kiss his scar making him blush and lay my head on his belly while facing him, to see that he's blushing. I smile at this cutie, if he only would have been that shy yesterday, I wouldn't feel like my legs are gonna die now. We cuddle for a while longer and then we decide to get up and look what the others are doing.


sorry, I can only upload a short part today, also I will propably not update this fanfiction for a while and focus more on the other ff and a new one I'm working on right now, sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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