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Seungmin's POV:

Y/n looks very sad and since Minho is the one she talked to before she was so sad, I walk over to him.

Seungmin: "What the hell did you do to her?!"

Minho: "What do you mean?"

Seungmin: "Y/n! She went to the house and she's f*cking crying!! What the f*ck did you say to her?! *mad*"

Minho: "I'll talk to her..."

He walks to the house as well.

Minho's POV:

I feel so bad, I didn't mean to make her cry. I was just mad seeing her so close with Seungmin and because he also cuddled with her in her bed last night...

Y/n's POV:

I'm still sitting here, crying my soul out when I hear a knock at the door. I quickly wipe my tears.

Me: "Come in..."

Minho: "Hey..."

Me: "What do you want?"

Minho: "I'm sorry..."

Me: "For what?"

Minho: "For saying that... I didn't mean it, I was just hurt by seeing you so close with Seungmin and because he was cuddling with you all night and I thought you were dating so-"

I cut him off by placing a kiss on his cheek.

Y/n: "It's ok *soft smile*"

He smiles.

Minho: "Do you want to go back to the beach?"

Me: "Nah, I don't feel like going beach now."

Minho: "Wanna watch something?"

I nod and put on the TV in my room. We sit back in my bed and I put on a movie. He wraps his arm around my waist and we cuddle while watching the movie. I honestly feel bad because Seungmin asked me to be his girlfriend and now I'm cuddling with Minho, and also because we are still only in swim clothes, but I also kind of like it, so I just lay my head on his bare chest and cuddle him while watching the movie.


Chan's POV:

We all got to our place at the beach.

Changbin: "Where are Minho and Y/n?"

Seungmin: "They went to the house, because Minho said something to her and she went crying to the house so I told him to follow her. But that was already an hour ago."

Jeongin: "Will someone check on them please?"

Chan: "Sure, I can."

They all nod and I go to the house.


No response. I just go to Y/n's room to see if she's there. I open the door and see them laying on her bed while cuddling. I thought she liked Seungmin cause she also cuddled with him but nevermind I guess. Minho is sleeping and Y/n is watching something on her TV. I'm really happy for Minho, since he told me that he likes her a long time ago. She notices me and pauses the movie she's watching.

Y/n's POV:

After 30 minutes, Minho fell asleep but I just continue cuddling with him while watching the movie. A few minutes later, I notice Chan standing at the door smiling at me.

Me: "Oh, hey Chan! *smile*"

Chan: "Hey *smile*"

Me: "Did something happen or why are you here?"

Chan: "No, we were just wondering what took you guys so long."

Me: "Oh, sorry for not telling you."

Chan: "It's alright. *smile*"

Minho wakes up, lets go of my waist and stretches like a cat.

Minho: "Oh, hey hyung. Since when are you here?"

Chan: "I just came. So, are you guys together now?"

My eyes widen.

Me: "W-what? No!"

Chan: "Oh, ok. I just thought because you're cuddling without being drunk... but nevermind *smile*"


I updated again, yaaay... yeah... hope you enjoyed the part :) if not, not my problem :) ~A/n

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