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I start tearing up.

Minho: "What? No! he would never think of you like that and you're not!"

He hugs me to stop me from crying so I hug him back.

Me: "Thanks for comforting me."

He nods

Chan: "We're at the restaurant!!"

We all get out of the car and go inside the restaurant.

As soon as we sit down, the waiter comes and takes our orders and after a while, our food arrives. We eat in awkward silence, but luckily Chan decided to break it.

Chan: "Do you wanna do something after dinner?"

Changbin: "We could take a walk along the beach and drink something at a beach bar(no alcohol)."

Jeongin: "Yeah, I like thee idea."

Everyone else(except Sm): "Same. *smile*"

Y/n: "What do you think, Seungmin?"

He ignores me.

Jisung: "Seungmin?"

Seungmin: "You guys can go, I don't want to. *cold*"

Felix: "Oh, ok... *sad*"

We continue eating and I notice Seungmin glaring at me and Minho, who are sitting next to each other. I'm really sorry for him... poor Minnie must be hurt now just because of me...

Me: "I changed my mind, I don't want to go with you guys later, I'm staying at the house."

Minho: "You sure? *sad*"

I smile and nod.

Minho: "Ok..."

*Time skip, after dinner*

We just got into the car (sitting like before) and Chan started the car and drove off.

Minho: "Why don't you want to join us later? *pout*"

Me: "Idk, I just don't feel like it..."

Minho: "Is it because of Seungmin? Are you guilty cause of him?"

Me: "What? No... maybe a bit... but it's also because I just don't want to."

Minho: "Ok... then don't do anything with him until we're back. *chuckle* just kidding..."

I smile at him and chuckle a bit.

Chan: "We're at the house again!"

All: "Ok!"

We all get out of the car and everyone except Seungmin and me go to the beach. Seungmin doesn't look at me and goes into the house. I also go inside and walk to his room and knock on his door. No response. I just open the door a bit and look inside.

Me: "Minnie?"

Seungmin: "What do you want? *cold*"

Me: "I'm sorry..."

I look down.

Seungmin: "You don't have to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong."

His voice is still cold but I can hear that he is hurt...

Me: "Yes I did, I hurt you and I'm really sorry... please don't be cold to me... I'm sorry..."

Seungmin: "It's ok, I know you didn't intend to hurt me..."

He's half smiling so I smile at him jump on his bed where he was laying and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

Me: "Please, never be cold to me again, I can't stand my puppy being mad at me."

He nods and I kiss his cheek. Hehe, he looks like a tomato now. So cute...

Me: "You're so cute... *smile*"

He covers his face and pulls the blanket over his head. I pull the blanket away and we play around for a while. We laugh a lot and have fun, but suddenly I felt something wet on my butt. I stop moving for a while and run away.


yaaaaaaaaaaaay, I updated again :) hope you like it, comment please, Byeee ~A/n

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