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Y/n's POV:

I go down, because I woke up and Seungmin was gone so I look for him. I come n the living room and see the boys. I smile at them.

Me: "hey! How was your hiking?"

Minho walks over to me and gives me a peck o my lips.

Minho: "it was great, but it would've been better if you were there too."

I chuckle.

Jeongin: "noona, hyungs, can we eat dinner? I'm hungry!"

We all chuckle at his cuteness.

Me: "of course we can, Minho and me will cook."

Jeongin smiles at us and we go to the kitchen and start cooking. Then we eat dinner and go to sleep. Minho and me cuddle again. I'm half asleep when I hear Minho's voice.

Minho: "Y/n?"

Me: "hmm?"

Minho: "do you still like Seungmin?"

Me: "no, only as a friend. I only love you."

I peck his lips.

Minho: "I love you too. *smile*"

I fall asleep.

*time skip, next morning*

I wake up and look next to me, but Minho is gone. I slowly get up and walk to the kitchen. I see Minho preparing breakfast for me and the boys. I walk up to him and backhug him.

Me: "morning love."

I say in a sleepy voice.

Minho: "morning"

He smiles. He finishes making breakfast and we all eat. After breakfast, Minho goes shopping with me.

Minho: "how about this one?"

He shows me a revealing dress.

Me: "don't you think it's a bit too revealing?"

He shakes his head and smiles at me so I try it on. I go back to him and his mouth forms an 'O'

Minho: "WOW, it's beautiful..."

Me: "... and revealing... so I won't buy it."

Minho: "correct, I will buy it. *smile*"

Me: "what? But-"

Minho: "no buts, I will buy it for you."

He insists so I give up and he pays for the dress and we go to the next shop. A shop for underwear and nightwear...

Me: "we don't have to go to that shop, I already have underwear and nightwear"

I say nervously because here is only revealing and sexy stuff...

Minho: "I don't care. *innocent smile*"

*time skip, 30 minutes later*

Minho insisted on me buying many things, all revealing and sexy. He pays it and we go out. We eat ice cream and then we go home again cause it's late already. When we arrived home, the boys had already prepared dinner so we ate together.

Chan: "Minho, Y/n, the boys insisted on going drinking today... wanna accompany us?"

Felix: "but hyung, we wanted to do a boys night... nothing against you noona..."

Me: "I'm fine with you going drinking, I wouldn't drink anyways."

Minho looks at me pouting.

Me: "but you can go of course if you want, love *smile*"

Minho: "you sure?"

I nod. After eating, the boys go to a club. I domy night routine and put on one of the pajamas Minho bought me today:

 I domy night routine and put on one of the pajamas Minho bought me today:

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I lay down on the bed and watch TV.


here's the next update, I hope you guys like it :))

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