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After many battles, the Mane Six finally decided to settle down in Ponyville and have their own little families. All were wed on the same year, on different dates.

First to get wed was Pinkie Pie. Her old friend, Cheese Sandwich, had arrived in Ponyville to stay. They soon became an item and were wed.
Soon came their children; twins. A colt and a filly. The colt was named Cheddar Cheesecake and the filly, Cherry Pie. The twins loved baking, experimenting with food and PARTYING!

Next to be wed was Princess Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. They, too, had children; first came a filly by the name of Galaxy Sparkle- more commonly known as Gala. Her hobbies included stargazing and reading. Then, a few years later, a colt named Flashlight was born. Flashlight was much more adventurous than his sister. He was named after his parent's couple name- which always makes him gag. Both were alicorns- of course!

Third was, surprisingly, Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Although Dashie never got into the Wonderbolts, she still adored Soarin.
They, like Pinkie and Cheese, had twins. The colt was named Rainbow Blitz, the filly Cloud Catcher. Both twins were complete opposites. Both had great agility and speed while flying, but Blitz liked showing off when Cloud liked humming melodies.

Next was Applejack. A stallion named Leaf Harvest caught her eye. After their marriage, both lived at Sweet Apple Acres, where their children would be born...
First was a colt which they named Apple Harvest. Apple was a very down-to-earth colt and preferred races and tending the apple trees more than anything else.
His younger sister, Cinammon Spice, loved baking instead. She would spend hours at a time to make sure that her pies were 'just right'.

Fifth came Rarity, who, in the end, married a unicorn named Turquoise Tide. The stallion specialised in Jewel Flowers; a flower which Rarity adored.
Out of all the Mane Six, Rarity was the only mare to have just one foal; a filly named Emerald Glitz. Emerald enjoyed making jewellery- she could  make amazing necklaces to accompany her mother's wonderful dresses.

Last, but certainly not least is Fluttershy. She married a brave pegasus named Vine Tangle. Vine liked animals and nature as much as Fluttershy but had the courage to stand up and fight if needed.
Their first filly was called Meadow Melody. Meadow Melody was shy but had a voice like honey. She was calm, and enjoyed tending animals and painting the most.
Her little sister, Ivy Twist, was much more sociable and adventurous. She was going to show everypony that fillies could do what any of the colts could do.

As the children grew, they developed close bonds with one another. They spent lots of time playing and chatting ( and when exams came, studying). They all got along extremly well. Maybe their destinies were intwined together, just like their parents....

Anyway, let the story begin.......

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