Chapter 6

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Cloud landed outside Sugarcube Corner, smelling the sugary air.

"Girl's night, GIRL'S NIGHT!!!" Screeched Cherry in excitment, bursting out of the cafe's doors.
"Hey Cloudy, you up for a sleepover?"

Cloud grinned, showing Cherry her packed bag. She had picked it up after running away from her twin.

"Brilliant," Said Emerald, levitating several bottles of multicoloured substance. "I have the hoof polish!"

"Hey, is Meadow here yet?" Asked Cloud. Cloud's bestest friend was Meadow, just like Fluttershy had been Rainbow's.

Gala shook her head, trotting out of the Pie houshold.

Cloud frowned, staring at her hooves.
"But...she said she'd be here."

"Maybe she's a teensy weensy bit late," Suggested Cherry, making strange gestures with her hooves.

"I dunno..." Sighed Cloud as the others led her to the Pie's party room, where they would spend the night.

The walls were bright colours of turquoise, pink, purple, yellow and many more. Ballons were attached to hooks on the walls, where fake moustaches were placed. Streamers hung from the ceiling in green, red and blue. Five beds were placed in the center of the room in a circle, in an assortment of colours.

"Pink bed is mine!" Yelled Cherry, bouncing on the said bed.

"Who wants a hooficure?" Asked Emerald. "How about you Cloudy?"

"Oh no. You know I don't do beauty," Exclaimed Cloud, pushing the hoof files away from herself.

"Well, at least let me do your mane?" Inquired Emerald.

Cloud smiled.
"Okay. I guess it is time I treat myself. But no make-up. It makes my face feel like it's suffocating."

Emerald nodded, setting to work.

"Oh! Anyone for cupcakes?" Asked Cherry excitedly.

"Me!" Chimed her friends, all of them grabbing a cupcake each.

It had been several hours since the sleepover began. They were busy eating pizza for dinner, when Meadow slipped into the room, tears in her eyes.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Grinned Cloud, outstreching her wing for their regular wingshake.

Meadow suddenly began crying over Cloud's shoulder.

"Woah, back up. What's with the waterworks?"

Meadow sniffed, looking into her friend's honest eyes. They were filled with worry and concern.

"It''s....Ivy," Meadow stuttered,
salty tears rolling down face. "She..she's had an accident.."

"WHAT?!? Little Twisty?" Cloud exclaimed, calling Ivy her nickname.

Meadow nodded.
"Her and her crusader friends were trying to earn their cutie marks. They were trying bungie jumping. Off a tree. And..." She sniffed, pausing for a moment. "And the rope snapped. She fractured her wing so she's been admitted to hospital. I'm...I'm. ..I'm so worried! "

Cloud hugged her friend, trying to hold back her own tears.

"Don't worry. Ivy's strong. Enjoy is a sleepover after all." Whispered Cloud, pulling away from Meadow.

Meadow nodded, though still seemed miserable. She let her turquoise mane cover her eyes. Cloud stared at the leopard stripe in Meadow's mane. It was so.....strange.

"Now for movies!" Yelled Cherry, not wanting Meadow to subconsciously trash the fun.


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