Chapter 9

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"DISCORD'S your dad? Awesome!" Cloud said, pulling Meadow in for a hug with her wing.

"I don't know. How can having the Lord of Chaos as your father be good? No offense, Meadow," Gala replied, flicking through the latest Daring Dash book; Daring Dash was Daring Do's son, who continued his mother's legacy.

"No offense taken," Meadow replied softly. Her burns had recently healed, and ever since she had told her friends about her real father, they had been arguing about what they thought.

"I think it would be fun!" The Pie twins said in unison.

"But Gala's right. Havin' chaotic magic at your disposal can get you in trouble," Apple Harvest backfired, his little sister nodding in agreement.

"Yes, I agree with Apple Harvest and Gala. Talking about chaotic magic, how much does Ivy and Meadow have?" Emerald said, turning to the sisters.

"Well, I have enough power to teleport, but I don't really want to. I like flying more. Oh, and I can summon candy rainclouds. As for Meadow, she can just conjure up cotton candy clouds and choclate rain. Mum says I take after Dad more, while Meadow takes after Mum more." Ivy explained, beaming at all the attention she was getting.

"Cool!" Rainbiw Blitz grinned. "Hey Meadow, can you conjure up some cotton candy for me?"
Nopony noticed the light blush on Blitz's face.

Meadow smiled. Rainbow Blitz was so....sweet. Meadow closed her eyes, thinking of cotton candy.

Her friends watched in amazement as a cotton candy cloud appeared in front of Blitz.


Meadow opened her eyes to the astonished looks of her friends and a content Blitz eating the cotton candy.

"!" Blitz smiled, talking while stuffing the pink, fluffy substance in his mouth.

"And didn't you say something about teleportation?" Gala inquired. "I would like to see. Usually only experienced unicorns or alicorns can do such complex magic."

Ivy's face lit up, she knew it was her time to shine. Closing her eyes, she pictured the space next to Gala. She felt herself becoming lighter and lighter, until she felt like she was swimming in the weightless air. Then she became heavier and heavier, until she was back to normal.

"AHHHH!" Screeched Gala. Ivy's eyes flew open, to see a shocked Gala in defense mode, her wings flared out and her horn illuminating.

"'s just you.." Gala grumbled, folding her wings and shutting off the spell she was about to cast. At this, both sets of twins fell on the floor, laughing like a maniac.

" Ivy...hahahha!" Choked Cheddar, tears of joy running down his face. Meanwhile, his sister nearly suffocated.

Gala grinned, before glancing at her packed suitcase.
"Tomorrow, I'm going..." She sighed, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "Oh, I'll miss you guys.."

They gathered into a group hug, Gala at the very heart of the pile.

"Your all the best friends a mare could hope for," Gala gasped, tears of sorrow and joy snaking it's way down her cheeks.

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