Chapter 7

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It was Gala's last day at Ponyville Academy, and all of the younger students were taking their magic, flight and strength tests.

They were grouped in threes; one unicorn, one pegasus and one earth pony to be tested. Flashie, Cinammon and the now recovered Ivy were together, waiting nervously outside the main hall.

"Next, number 10,11 and 12." Called Mrs Cheerilie. She was married to Big Macintosh, with a son and daughter; Apple Crunch and Royal Apple.

The three crusaders shuffled into the hall. Three trainee examiners sat at a table.

"Miss Cinnamon Sweet Apple Spice, may you please come over here for your examination." Annonced the earth pony examiner, Miss Sweet Treat.

"Mr Flashligh Ursa Speed Sentry is with me," Said the unicorn examiner, Miss Goldy Glow.

"And Miss Ivy Sugar Craze Twist will be with me," Said the pegasus examiner; a Wonderbolt by the name of Flamethrower.

The fire alarm rang around the halls. The Mane 8 (excluding the new CMC) began making their way out.

"Umm..where's Ivy?" Asked Meadow, her voice filled with concern.

"Come the think o' it, where's Cinnamon? " Inquired Apple Harvest.

Gala thought for a moment.
"Maybe Cinnamon, Ivy and Flashie are in their exam."

"Let's go check! " Said Meadow quickly, whizzing off before her friends could stop her.

The Mane 8 were shocked to find the young foals in the smoke-filled hall, unable to escape due to the flames devouring the wooden floor.

Gala and Emerald managed to create a forcefield big enough for all of them. First to be found was Cinammon. She was crouched near the entrance, choking on the smoke as the flames advancing to her little corner of protection.

"Don'tcha worry Cinnamon." Yelled Harvest. "I'm a'coming."

Apple Harvest pulled his little sister onto his back, before re-entering the force field. Cinammon gasped, blinking before nuzzling Harvest's neck.

"Thank ya...Thank ya!" Cried Cinnamon, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I thought I was a goner!"

"Flashie!" Called Gala, straining her ears for a reply. She heard a faint cough. "Come on!"

They followed Gala, finally reaching her brother, who was cowering in the corner, his hooves slightly charred.

Concentrating the rest of her magic, she teleported her brother into the forcefield.

Flashie spluttered, before opening his eyes and glancing at his surroundings.

"Nice forcefield, sis!" He complimented, earning a small smile from Gala.

They searched the hall for several more minutes. No Ivy.

"Maybe she left earlier," Suggested Cloud, doubt laced in her voice.

The mane 8 exited the hall, deactivating the forcefield. Desperately, Meadow called once more for Ivy. This time, she heard a soft, but defiant voice.
"Meadow?" It said.

"Ivy!" Meadow screamed, flying into the burning room before any of her friends could stop her.

Ivy was clinging tightly to a chandelier, her grip weakening with every breathe of smoke. She longed for pure, fresh air, but it did not come.

After that, everything happened way too quickly. Ivy lost her grip on the chandelier and started to plummet to her doom.

"IVY!!" Screamed Meadow, in the loudest voice she could muster. Ivy felt light-headed. She closed her eyes, ready for impact...ready for heat....ready for death.

But it didn't arrive. Meadow flew faster then ever, tears streaming down her face. She caught her baby sister, just before she was engulfed in flames. Her long turquiose hair was burnt, most of her body, wings and hooves were charred and burnt. The pain was unimaginable. Yet, Meadow was smiling, crying tears of joy. Her sister was safe.

However, in catching her sister, she had lost her energy and collapsed into the flames. Then, miraculously, a cotton candy cloud appeared. Then another. Then another. Until a storm of cotton candy clouds loomed overhead, pouring choclate rain onto the flames, putting out the fire.

This was the last thing Meadow and Ivy saw before they drifted off into unconsciousness...

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