Chapter 18

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Dearest Mum,
I guess school is better than I expected. I have made friends with the changling princess and Princess Moonstone. They are really nice. I'm rooming with Princess Moonstone. Also, I found out I'm in Moon house.
Anyway, next lesson is Maths. Better go.
Lots of love,
P.s. Tell Flashie I said Hi.

Twilight chewed her lip, Flashie peering over her shoulder.
"What did she say, what did she say?!" Flashie exclaimed, jumping crazily.
"She was just talking about some new friends." Twilight replied, before running out of the room.
"Huh.." Flashie sighed, trotting to the kitchen to get some fruit salad.

Meanwhile, Twilight was hastily writing a letter back to her daughter. She could be in grave danger! Changlings not only fed on love, but also friendship. They chose to eat love more often because it was more powerful.

Flash went into the room and knew immediately something was bothering his wife. Her mane and tail was a mess, her violet eyes wide and beads of sweat streaking down her forehead.

"Is everything alright Twi?" Flash asked, walking up to the stressed mare and nuzzling her gently.

"No....Gala's made friends with the changling princess!" Twilight spluttered, her quill flying across the page.

Flash's blood went cold. Changlings fed off love and friendship. That meant....

Flash rushed out of the room to get a glass of water for Twilight. Then he bought a book titled 'The History Of Changlings ' for himself.

"Twili.." Flash began, only to be interrupted.

"It's okay Flash. I've calmed down." Twilight sighed. She had brushed her mane and tail. It also looked like she had a bath.

"Here," Flash said, handing her the water, which Twilight guzzled down in the most polite way possible.

"I've sent my letter to Gala." Twilight said. "Now we just have to hope she'll listen to my advice. "

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