Chapter 13

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Dear Gala,

I miss you so much. I hope your doing well. The zap apples are going to bloom in 2 weeks, so I am going to have a lot of work ahead of me. Uncle Macintosh is on holiday during that time with my cousins and Aunt Cheerilie. So just me, Mum and Aunt Apple Bloom are gonna be harvesting the apples alone. Cinnamon and
Great-Granny Smith are gonna be making the baked goods.

I expect Flashie will be writing to you soon. He's been whining but I think he's settled down now.

Anyway, gotta go. I got to go help Mum run the stand in Ponyville Square.

Love you lots,
Your coltfriend,
Apple Harvest.

Harvest picked up his finished letter, carrying it to their letterbox outside.

"Ya really miss her, don't ya?" Applejack asked her son sympathetically, wiping sweat off her brow.

"'s just, I feel like a part of me is missing. I feel..." Harvest stuttered. He felt he had to be honest with his mum, even if it did embarass him.

"Alone?" Applejack suggested, bringing her eldest child into a tight hug.

Her son merely nodded.

Applejack began to sing a soft, but meaningful song:

"Hush now, little son, oh,
Ya loved by all ya know.
You'll never lose their friendship,
No matter where ya go.
There ain't no call to worry,
So don't ya cry or fret.
Her love will never falter,
No matter where she's at."

"Mum, I'm not a foal. Though..that did help," Harvest murmured, nuzzling his mother.

"No problem, but ya better hurry, we need to open store." His mother whispered.

"Coming," Harvest said, galloping towards the small store. However, nopony noticed the red, apple-shaped light pulsing from his heart.

(Altered version of Applejack's Lullaby from 'Bloom and Gloom.')

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