Chapter 22

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                           Meanwhile. .
Fluttershy sat nervously at the table. Should she tell her friends about her lover? She just didn't know.

"So Darling," Rarity began, smiling warmly at her friend. "What is it you wanted to say? "

The mare in question gulped. Fluttershy took a deep breath before finally answering.

"I'm in love with Discord." Fluttershy said, head held high.


What about your husband?" Applejack asked, raising her eyebrow in disapproval and shock.

"He's fake. Discord created a fake puppet so you wouldn't find out and the kids wouldn't be teased. That's another thing...Meadow and Ivy's father is Discord."

Pinkie gasped dramatically before putting on a mask resembling the Lord of Chaos.
"Meadow. . .I am your FATHER!" Pinkie screeched, smirking before bursting into fits of laughter.

" don't mind?" Fluttershy asked cautiously.

Twilight nodded.
"As long as he doesn't hurt you..:

"Cause if he does we'll kick his sorry but!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, leaping onto the table.

Rarity gasped.
"Rainbow, get off! I just polished that!"

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