Chapter 2

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Meadow Melody smiled as she answered the door. Before she had even opened the door she knew who it was Tuesday after all.....

Discord stood at the doorway, a multi-coloured bowler hat postitioned on his head.
"Good morning, Uncle Discord," said Meadow happily, opening the door wider.
"Ahhh...dear Meadow. How are your exams coming along?" asked Discord, stepping through the doorway and seating himself on the nearest chair.
Meadow blushed, letting her long mane cover her face from view.

"Well...Mum said that I should practice everyday..and I have but... I don't think I'm doing very well..." whispered Meadow, facing Discord.
"Don't worry, Dissonance is feeling the same way about her magic test." Discord replied soothingly, patting Meadow on the back.
"Dissonance! ?" squealed Meadow.
" When can she visit!?"

Dissonance was Discord's daughter. She was a baby, though she was already able to control powerful magic. Discord and Discordance (his wife) were giving her mini magic exams every year or so.

Discord smiled, stroking his beard.
"We could arrange a playdate if you wish. Now, do you know where your mother is?"

"Ummm..." murmured Meadow, racking her brain to try and remember.

Discord stood, creating a daisy with his fingertips.
"Here you go, my M and M," cried Discord, placing it in Meadow's hair.

"You stop right there!" Came a voice.

Ivy galloped into the room, her wings fluttering furiously. "You....stop.....right....there!" She breathed.

Then she threw herself at Discord, giggling. Discord wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.
"Well Ivy, my little sunshine, have you got your beloved cutie mark yet?"

Ivy looked annoyed, releasing herself from Discord's grip. She stomped her hoof.
" No," she muttered. "It's not fair."

"Well, apparently everything isn't fair with you," Joked the draconeques, grinning and staring into Ivy's eyes. They were strange; one was normal, the other had a red pupil and yellow iris.

"Oh, good morning Discord," came a sing-song voice. Fluttershy glided into the room, carrying a tray of bird seed and setting it swiftly on the coffee table, attracting several budgies and robins.

Meadow shuffled towards the feeding birds, humming a tune softly while edging her hoof out towards the feathered creatures. A curious budgie chirped, hopping onto Meadow's outstreched hoof. Carefully, Meadow caressed it's vibrant lime-green feathers, humming all the while.

Ivy, eager to earn her cutie mark, began humming too and sticking out her hoof. However, unlike her mother and sister, she did not possess the talent to interact with animals easily.

She scared away several birds, who landed on Meadow and started eating seed out of her hoof. Ivy just sighed. Her plan to get a cutie mark had failed.


Meadow answered the door to an anxious Cloud Catcher and Rainbow Blitz.

"Have you heared the news?" Cloud cried. Meadow shook her head. She did live in a cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville. Even if news travelled quickly, she would hear it last, except for maybe the Apple family.

" Gala's being sent to a boarding school..." Rainbow said, his words sounding flustered and hurried.

"IN CANTERLOT!!!" Shouted the twins simultaneously.

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