Chapter 5

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Hiccup's P.o.v.

Class ended quickly. I was waiting in front of our classroom for Jack. He had a little talk with the teacher about something. I don't really care about what. It's his thing.

I sighed and looked at the ground. What's wrong with me? Why did I even said yes in the first place...? He would have managed to found out the stuff here himself too...Or probably anyone else would have shown him around here.

During class I have heard the girls talking about him over and over again. Sometimes things about... how shall I say... About things you simply shouldn't talk about in class. When I hear them talk about him in that way, I always feel like I should say something. But I am way too shy and I think Jack can handle this alone too.

After some time I saw the door open and Jack came out with a few papers in his hand. He closed the door behind him and looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry, the teacher wanted to give this stuff to me and explained me some things."

"I-It's okay." Did I seriously just stutter? Hiccup keep yourself calm!

Jack smiled and stuffed the papers into his bag. It didn't really look like it would really interest him if the papers get any damage or not.

"Y-You should be more careful with the p-papers..."

"Huh?" He looked at me with his big ice-blue eyes that made my heart skip a beat.

"I said... y-you should be more careful... The papers c-could be important."

"Oh, that. It's okay. It makes no real sense to me anyways.", he said and laughed. "I'm not really the best in school, but I always manage to do it somehow."

"O-Okay...." I stared at the floor and my stomach growled loudly again.

I heard Jack chuckle softly and looked up at him. He was searching through his bad and finally pulled out a bag with skittles.

"I know it's not much, but it should at least help against the stomach growling." He said while holding the bag to me.

"I-I can't accept!" I looked up at him and blushed. Not only that he wanted to five it to me even though we barely knew each other for a few hours but also the way he looked at me. He smiled softly and looked at me with a caring look. It reminded me a bit of Pitch. Before he became the way he is now...

"Of course you can.", he laughed. I just nodded shyly and took the bag from him. Jack smiled happily and I smiled back shyly.

"Oh, do you know what time it is?", Jack asked.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time.

"Oh, it's just... shit!"

"What's wrong?", Jack looked at me confused.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go!" I immediately turned around and ran towards the exit. I was already too late... Way too late. And this time I had no excuse... Pitch will be so mad... But that wasn't even my biggest problem at the moment. It hurt me to just let Jack stand there without telling him what's wrong. I could swear I've seen a bit sadness in his eyes as I turned to run away... Hiccup no! Just stay away from him! I stuffed the bag Skittles in my bag and continued to run. While I ran I felt the wounds on my arm burn but I ignored it and kept running. Every second could now make a difference... the difference if I'll be only beaten up or... touched.

When I arrived before the door I quickly opened it and went inside. It was quiet. Way too quiet.

I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. Then I sneaked past the empty living room to the kitchen. When I had not even arrived in the kitchen, I saw how Pitch stood in front of our fridge.

"I'm sorry I'm late beca-" Before I could finish my sentence, I got a fist in my face and hit the wall behind me. I groaned in pain and held my head. The impact hurt way more than the punch itself. I could already feel how it started to bleed.

"I've already said that you should always come in time! You useless thing!", Pitch hissed and grabbed me by my collar and held me up.

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry...I-I-I...." Pitch pulled me more up and threw me against the wall so once again my head hit the wall. Hard. Tears gathered in my eyes and I whimpered from the pain.

"Be quiet and don't you dare whine!" He punched me over and over in my stomach. When I finally couldn't hold back the tears any longer, he hit me very hard on my right eye. I gasped and stopped to move completely.

"You're just useless!", Pitch shouted before he threw me to the ground. Slowly, I looked up at him, one eye closed because of the pain. Pitch looked down at me like I was a piece of dirt and spat in my face before he finally kicked me in the ribs one more time and went into the living room. I rolled into a ball, whimpering quietly, always in fear that Pitch could hear me and come back for a next round. After a few minuted that had felt like an eternity I sat up slowly, only to be greeted by a incredibly strong headache. I gasped and held my head, my hair soaked with blood. I slowly got up and held my stomach. The pain was everywhere and so much... but there were times he beat me up more... Pitch once beat me up so strong that we had to go to the hospital and when they asked what had happened... Pitch told them I was hit by a car. And they believed it.

I took a rag and started to clean the blood off the floor. My head hurt incredibly and my view blurred but I had to somehow get it clean if I don't want to get any more trouble. When everything finally was clean, I took my bag and the rag and dragged myself to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and let myself slide down the wall to the floor. So here I am again...

I threw the rag into the sink and stared at the floor. Finally, I could hear the front door shut. That's right... Pitch is always at his friends on Thursdays and plays cards... I waited a few moments and pulled me up to the sink. I took the rag, cleaned it a bit and started to clean my wound on my head. Although the wound on my eye was not bleeding... I am pretty sure that tomorrow I will have a very dark blue eye... When I had finished cleaning my wound, I cleaned the rag again and then finally threw it into the laundry basket. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. Except my eye, nothing looked like anything happened. Tomorrow I will just say I would have fallen down some stairs. They wouldn't care much anyways. They will probably just bully me more because of how clumsy I am.

I took off my shirt and folded it neatly and put it next to me. It had no signs of blood on it which means I'm going to put it on again tomorrow. Slowly, I let my gaze wander from my belly which already had many bruises to my arms. Many small scars from my shoulder to my wrist are covering my arms. Slowly and very light I let my fingers wander over my scars. When I came to the newer ones I immediately felt the burning pain and pulled my hand away. I shook my head and opened the cupboard and grabbed the razor blade. As always, it was cold, light and... sharp. I closed the cupboard and slowly put the blade to my wrist. But suddenly the silence got interrupted by the growling of my stomach, which made me jump a little and I dropped the blade. I sighed and leaned down to pick it up again but let my eyes wander to my bag. I saw the bag of Skittles look out a little and slowly sat down on the floor before my bag. Very slowly, I reached for the bag, as if it's a animal that could run away if I move to fast. I pulled the bag to me and just stared at it. Finally I couldn't hold back anymore and burst into tears. Jack... Was he really worried about me just because I was hungry...? I began to cry my eyes out like I didn't do a long time. I sobbed and opened the bag and started to eat. Maybe Jack wasn't at all like I thought he would be... I mean he clearly looks incredibly good, is very sweet and cute... Oh Hiccup, you idiot. I sighed, staring at my hands. Maybe we could be friends... or ... more.

And that was the moment I had realized that I had more than normal feelings for Jack ....

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