Chapter 30

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Hiccup's P.o.v.

After Cody ran back into the basement, I made my way back to North which still held Jack carefully in his arms and looked at him concerned. 

"Finally we have found you again...", North said and smiled softly even if he was probably incredibly worried about Jack's health. I nodded slightly and brushed a bit of Jacks hair out of his face and gently kissed his forehead. Shyly I looked up at North. I had totally forgotten that he was there but to my luck he smiled softly at me and nodded. I really was lucky that he was okay with me and Jack. Sure, he wasn't Jacks father but he was something which came pretty close to it. If he wouldn't want us to be together he would probably be able to separate us. But he wouldn't do that because he knows how much Jack means for me and I mean for Jack.

 We left the building and looked around the streets. The time until finally the ambulance arrived felt like years even though it was probably just a few minutes. First came the ambulance. They stopped in front of us and took Jack in their car. Then they asked me and North several questions while two nurses took care of Jack. Nobody really wanted to tell us how Jacks condition was but then the police came and we got pulled away from the ambulance. North fought with them and told them how important it was for me and especially for Jack that I was with him and finally they gave up and let me be with him. I climbed up the car and sat down on a seat beside Jack and watched while one of the nurses gave him several injections in his arm. Finally, one of the nurses left the car and closed the back doors from the car. Now I was alone in the back of the car with only one nurse and the still unconscious Jack. She took good care of him but still I watched nervously every movement from her and wanted her to help Jack as good as she could. Even if I had to admit that I didn't really like that a stranger touched Jack after everything that had happened. But she was a nurse and this really wasn't the right time for jealousy.

"You're pretty nervous. May I ask who you are?", asked the nurse and turned to me while she filled a new syringe with something I didn't know.

"M-My name is Hiccup, Hiccup Haddock. And if you want to know, yeah he is very important for me.  To be honest, he is very very important for me. He is my boyfriend...", I admitted and stared down at my hands which were laying in my lap. Have I said too much again?

"You're his boyfriend? So that's the reason why you look like you want to kill me if I only do one wrong move." She chuckled softly as I blushed. "But don't worry about it. I'm not going to steal your boyfriend from you. I myself am happily married to an incredibly beautiful lady. By the way, my name is Alex."

"Huh?" I looked up at her and she smiled at me before she turned back to Jack and gave him another injection. 

"Although I can not fully say what he has I can calm you down. You saved him in time. But if he would have stayed longer in that basement, he could have been in pretty serious danger." She looked up to the heart monitor that showed that Jacks heart was beating softly. It was calming me down in a way...

"His heartbeat is a little slow but nothing to worry about. That's probably just because he still is a bit weak. It looks like he had nothing to eat and drink for several days therefore he now is dehydrated. We have already injected him several vitamins that will help him. Another problem is that he was too long in the darkness. He now has a lack of some vitamins and substances that can only be transferred by the sun. He isn't allowed to be in the bright sun for the next few months probably. He would burn literally. As long as his condition doesn't get worse, he will be back to normal in a few weeks."

"Th-thanks.", I said quietly and smiled softly. Not to be polite or anything but simply because I was relieved. I was happy that Jack would be back to normal soon.

"If you want you can take his hand. It helps some patients if they can feel that someone who loves them is close." She smiled softly at me and sat down beside me.

I blushed slightly and nodded. Gently I took Jacks cold hand in mine and gently caressed his knuckles with my thumb. He felt a lot rougher than a few weeks ago and on his wrists were bloody wounds that were opened several times from the chains. During the rest of the way to the hospital my mind wandered away from what was happening at the moment. I wondered how my future would be with Jack and what we would do together... How he would become healthy again and how we would move together and go to school together... How he would protect me from the bullies, how he enlightens my life with his smile...

"Hey, are you coming?", the nurse asked and pulled me away from my thoughts. Confused, I looked around and noticed that they had already brought Jack outside and were carrying him to the hospital. I nodded and quickly jumped up and out of the car. Then I followed Jack into the hospital. I followed them to the door to the room where they took care of him but then I was told that I had to wait outside while the doctors wanted to take care of Jack. Only hesitantly, I sat down on one of the three chairs that stood in front of the room. Several minutes passed and I was getting more and more nervous. She had said that Jack would be okay so far, so why did it take so long? 

It took at least thirty more minutes until the doctors finally left the room. I watched them walk down the corridor and finally got up and nearly ran to the door. Since the door was open a bit, I could look inside and saw Jack lying on the bed with several needles in his arm. I swallowed thickly and it almost felt as if the needles would be in my own arm just from looking at Jack with them. The room was darkened with the curtains so the sun wasn't shining directly into his room. I watched a how Jack breathed softly but then suddenly the door opened completely and the nurse from previously stood in front of me, grinning.

"You know that you can't just spy on people?" She laughed and pulled me gently into the room at my hand. "You don't have to stand in front of the room like some kind of stalker. He is still yours." Alex smiled and let go of my hand when I stood in front of Jacks bed. 

"It took a little longer than I had expected at first and I'm sorry for that. But now he is completely safe. You can sit down on the chair next to his bed and wait until he wakes up. That shouldn't take too long. But when he wakes up, don't tell him anything from what happened as long as he doesn't ask for it. Don't overdo it and be as carefully and lovely as you can. I'll leave you two alone now, so don't do anything silly.", she said giggling.

"Thank you." I smiled back and waved while she left the room. She closed the door with a very quiet click. Quietly, I walked over to the chair next to Jacks bed and wasn't able to keep my eyes off him. Bad idea. I walked straight into the chair which moved away with a relatively loud noise. Way to go hicc. I held my breath and looked at Jack. His eyes were now wide open and he looked around scared and not really realizing where he was. I quickly ran to his side and took his hand.

"Jack... hey...", I said softly and smiled. 

He slowly turned to me and his eyes widened even more when he saw me. His mouth was slightly open and quickly tears gathered in his beautiful ice-blue eyes that I loved so much.

He opened his mouth to say something but only a faint croak came out. I smiled softly and gently caressed his cheek while tears ran down his face.

"We are safe now Jack. Everything will be alright.", I whispered softly and pulled the chair back to me and sat down next to his bed. A smile spread across Jacks face while he closed his eyes and leaned into my hand.

"I hope you know how much you mean to me, Jack.", I said and smiled when I felt him nod.

"Pitch now is the past, and you are my future.", I said and leaned over the bed and kissed him softly on his forehead. He opened his eyes and looked at me lovingly. I knew exactly what he wanted to say from just this one look he only gave me and no one else.

"I love you too Jack.", I whispered and smiled while I could feel my heart warm up.

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