Happy ending

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(My favorite Ending. Enjoy :))

"Soon Tooth got taken care of in a hospital. Beside her obvious wound they diagnosed her to have a split personality. She was suffering from schizophrenia in the worst case. After the court had decided over her she got brought to a mental hospital. She could have chosen to either go to the mental hospital or prison but she had realized that something was wrong with her. From time to time she even wrote letters to Jack and Hiccup in which she excused herself. Many years flew by..."

Hiccup's P.o.v.

I sighed as I put my pen down from writing. It had been a lot harder than I had expected it to. Writing down everything that had happened in my life had been a suggestion from my psychologist. And it was a good idea to follow it. It had helped me to get through all the rough times that had happened. To even get my mind clear from all those painful memories. From all that pain and suffering I had to go through...

"Now I'm sitting here and wrote everything down but not the most important part..." I whispered to myself.

„Daddy why you crying?" A young voice asked from behind me. I smiled softly and put my pen away and turned around with my chair.

"I'll explain you later alright?" I smiled and picked up Hayden. He was our adoptive son and the light in my and Jacks life. After I set him on my lap I kissed his cheek which made him squeal happily. It was close to Christmas and he already was really excited about it. It was more adorable how excited his other father was though... He loved the winter and snow in general so of course he loved christmas as well.

"Hayden?" I heard him call in the hallway.

"He's over here!" I chuckled as Jack peeked inside. "Get in here you dork and let me kiss you."

"That's something I would ever say no to." Jack hummed and walked inside happily to peck my lips.

Hayden giggled happily and kissed Jacks chin in the progress. "Oh thank you." Jack laughed and lifted him up. "I'll bring him to bed. I'll be back right after." Jack kissed my cheek before he walked out. By now I was 26 and Jack around the same age as me. He says that I matured a lot but I think he's lying. In my eyes I just look like always but...more healthy and my scars finally start to fade. He on the other hand got even taller than he already was. He sometimes goes out and trains as well so he can protect us but I know he's just having fun there and that's completely fine to me. He did look pretty attractive with all the muscles he built up through the training. He was my big teddy bear now. I smiled softly to myself at that. Our life just was perfect the way it was. There was nothing I would ever want to change.

"I'm back!" Jack chuckled as he came back after a while. "How far did you got?" He asked me and picked me up bridal style.

"Uah!" I blushed but he soon sat down on my chair but with me in his lap now. "I'm almost finished." I smiled and kissed Jacks nose which made his cheeks turn a light pink as well. Only I was able to make him blush like that. Well beside Hayden of course but that was something different.

"Mh..." He hummed as he read through what I have written. "You really make me sound like a hero even though I didn't do that much."

I chuckled at his comment. "Well of course you did. More than you may think."

"Always wanted to be a hero!" Jack said and winked. "How much longer will it take?" Jack whispered. "I have a little surprise for you."

"You do? Well I can still finish it later." I explained and laughed as Jack immediately got up with me in his arms.

"What are we waiting for then?!" He nearly ran outside with me in his arms. He set me down in front of his car and unlocked it. Of course he opened the door for me like a gentleman like he would.

"But what about hayden?" I asked unsure as I got inside. Since we got him something like motherly feelings had kicked in for the both of us. We hated to leave him alone even though he was only a room away.

"I already told my Dad. He'll come in around five minutes and watch over him while we are gone. He's sleeping anyway so it shouldn't turn out too bad." He laughed and closed my door. I put on my seatbelt a little nervous and confused to where Jack was driving me.

Soon we arrived at a nearby park. It already was pretty empty since the sun was about to go down and covered the entire park in a soft orange color.

"The park?" I asked Jack confused but he only nodded and jumped out excitedly. "Okay someone had a coffee too much today." I laughed and got out as well. After I shut the door Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me to a place right beside a little pond. The sun was beautiful and the way it reflected on the water.

"It's beautiful here..." I whispered. We only had moved to this town since I didn't want to be reminded of my past anymore so I barely knew any places here. Until now I didn't even know this beautiful place existed.

"I know it's a little cold for it but sit down." Jack smiled and spread out a blanket in the snow.

"Alright then? I hope we don't stay too long because I didn't brought a Jacket with me. Because you had to hurry so much." I playfully glared up at him.

"Yeah it shouldn't take too long. At least not if it goes well."

"If it goes well?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You'll see." He smiled and sat down together with me. "Just watch." He gestured over to the pond. The sun slowly went down making it reflect in beautiful warm colors. The ice was covered in red and orange colors as well, making it look like a sunset from a picture calendar.

"It's so beautiful..." I whispered and leaned my head against Jacks shoulder.

"Just like you..." Jack whispered and laid his hand on mine. I smiled and looked up at him.

"You're so corny."

"Don't challenge me." He laughed together with me.

I smiled and watched the sun go down in the comfortable silence with my boyfriend.

"There actually is a reason I got you here." Jack finally started. "I wanted to thank you for being there for me. I know you went through hard times yet you still allowed me to love you and I can clearly feel that you feel the same for me. I got hurt for you. I risked my life for you and you did the same for me. I don't regret any thing I did for you. Everything is right just like it is...We quite literally already went through bad and good times but still..." Jack crawled in front of me and sat down on one knee. My eyes widened as he pulled out a little box with a ring. "I love you Hiccup, so will you marry me?"

I was frozen in place with a wide smile on my face. "Yes, yes of course you dork!" I almost yelled. He slipped the ring on my finger before we kissed passionately.

"Thank you Jack... for everything..." I whispered against his lips. 

"You really did change my life..."

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