Chapter six: interview with Dua Lipa and Miley Cyrus (request)

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You're in an interview with Miley and Dua. You're answering questions about the song the three of you made and the concert of last night. The interviewer is James Corden.

"So-" James laughs. "So I was watching the concert yesterday-" Dua interrupts.

"Wait where you watching it on your tv or like live at the concert?" She asks.

"I was there live." He answers smiling.

"Really?! It's a shame we didn't see you, but nice to know you were there." Miley says.

"Kayla, how have you experienced the concert last night?" He asks me.

"Well to be honest it was a lot of fun, the audience was great and it had been a really long time since I performed with them." I give them a smile and they smile back at me.

"So you are gonna do perform again anytime soon?" He asks.

"Probably, yes." I say, adding a nod.

They smile at me. "So there was this rumor.. about you three.. that you are making a new song. Can you tell me something about it?" He asks.

The three of us look at each other and laugh awkwardly.

"Uhm we can't tell much yet to be honest but I'll say that we are debating on if we are going to make a new song together." Miley explains.

"So a part of the rumor is correct?" James questions.

"Yeah if you put it like that." Dua says. We laugh. "I wanted to play a game, is that okay?" We all nod.

"Okay. The game goes as following: I have cards that each have a line of one your songs on them, I will read them and someone in the audience can say who they think sang the line. Then I turn this spinning wheel (with Dua, Miley and I's name on it) and on who it lands, can decide the final answer." James explains.

"Okay great let's get this thing started." I encourage.

He picks the first card. "Okay, the line is: 'I want my house in the hills, don't want the whiskey and pills.' Who sang it?" Someone in the audience raises their hand.

"Who sang the line?" James repeats as the person starts talking. "I think it was Miley." James nods and we keep our poker faces. He spins the wheel.

"Miley! Do you think you sang the line or someone else?" he asks.

"I honestly don't know." She says laughing.
"You must choose, who is your final answer?" She thinks. "Mm I go with Kay." I keep a straight face.

"Okay, the good answer was....Miley!" Miley laughs loudly at herself as she covers her face with her hands.

"That must be one of my really old ones, because I can't even remember it right now." She comments.

"Okay next up: 'I've been shaking in my room, while crying over you.' Who was it?" Someone in the audience raises their hand.

"I think Dua sang it." They say. We keep poker faces.

"Miley! You can say it, who sang the line?" She smiles. "It was most definitely Kay." She replies.

"Okay, the right answer was.... Kayla!" I laugh. "Yep, it was me, surprise." I say.

"Okay next up: 'Now we've fallen apart, and yes, you broke my heart.' Who was it?" Someone raises their hand.

"It was Kayla." They reply. The three of us keep poker faces again.

"Gosh, you three are so good at poker faces." James says laughing.

"Dua! Who sang it?" Dua looks at me and then at Miley.

"Mm I've got to agree with the audience on this one, it was Kayla." she says.

"Okay, the right answer was.... Kayla!" I laugh.

"It was actually the same song, just different parts." I explain.

"Okay the last one: 'I don't wanna preach, but I'm all that you need.' Who sang it?".

"Dua." The audience decides.

"Okay Kayla, you can make the final decision." Everyone expectantly waits for my answer.

"Dua it is." I say, going along with the audience.

"Okay, the right answer was....Dua!" The audience cheers and applauds.
A/N: Hi, thank you for reading!

This one was privately requested (I'm not mentioning people, unless they ask or agree to it).

All of Kayla's 'songs' aren't real songs, I made them up myself, sorry!

Drop your request babes! :)

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