Chapter twenty-four: interview with Emma Watson (request)

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You and Emma have recently met each other on set of one of the Harry Potter movies she plays in. You are now planning on playing in a movie together and have made it a public announcement. You're getting interviewed on it by Jimmy Kimmel.

"It's great to have you both here!" Jimmy says.

"It's really great to be here." Emma responds in her thick British accent. I nod, agreeing with her.

"I have so many questions, let's just dive right in." He states. "Yes ofcourse, I will gladly answer all of them." Emma says, clearly excited.

"Okay so, at first, I would really like to know how you guys met? There has been some really vague story going around the internet about it." Jimmy explains.

"Oh no, people always make up these stories about everything. We met on set of one of the Harry Potter movies I play in and we had a good conversation which developed into a friendship, so that's that." Emma explains.

"You've recently made a public announcement that you will be playing in a movie together, can you say anything more about that?" Jimmy then asks.

Emma signs for me to answer. "Actually, no. It's complicated because we don't really know a lot ourselves. We're still working on the idea and thinking about who else we want in the crew. We have a regular crew, but we've been talking about expanding the crew too." I explain.

"Can you tell me anything about the idea you already have in mind?" Jimmy asks, but Emma instantly replies.

"No no no, no spoilers." She motions her hands 'no'.

"Okay okay, no spoilers." Jimmy repeats laughing. "Can you at least tell me about who else is going to be playing in the movie?" He next asks.

"That's a spoiler too actually, but sure." Emma replies.

"So we are in it and then we have 1 other lead role and that one will be fulfilled by Hugh Jackman. He's a great actor, I have met him in person and he's very kind. Plus, he matches the description for the role very well."

"I haven't met him, but I'm taking Kayla's word for it." Emma comments and Jimmy laughs.

"Are you also singing in the movie?" He asks both of us.

"Yes, we are." Emma responds, her eyes wide. "We haven't got our script yet so we don't know what we'll be singing yet, but we are going to sing." I add.

"I would love to see that work out itself, you've never performed in a movie together right?" He asks as a reassurance.

"No, never. That's what makes it extra special to now finally perform together since we're already friends." I reply.

"Do you think it's different to perform with male co-stars or women co-stars?" Jimmy asks.

"Yes, there is a difference, if you look at Harry Potter, I had the 'lead' with Rupert and Daniel so I was the only woman there. Yes, there were other women also, like professors and other female students, but in the lead you experience it different.." She takes a moment to think before continuing.

"..In little women, for example, I play with multiple women so it's definitely different. However, I got along with everyone on the Harry Potter set, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying there's a difference." Emma explains.

"I have nothing to add." I say and Emma laughs at me.

"Do you like working with female co-stars or male co-stars more?" Jimmy proceeds.

"I think it depends on the person. If a male co-star is more respectful, kind, caring, etcetera and the female is not, then you will probably go more to the male side. The other way around is the same." I explain.

"Great, it was truly great having you here, thank you for your answers and your time." Jimmy says.

The audience cheers and applauds as we hug Jimmy and then walk off-stage.

A/N: This was a request from ThePJOGirl I hope you enjoyed!

If anyone else has a request you can drop it here or in my DM's :)

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