Chapter twenty-eight: comic-con with the marvel cast

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You are in San Diego for a comic-con with the marvel cast. You, Anthony, Sebastian, Chris E., Chris H., Tom Ho., Scarlett and Elizabeth attended.

The audience cheers loudly as we walk on stage one by one, getting introduced by the presentator.

"So good to have you all gathered here, we're going to answer audience questions." He explains.

We all sit in pairs, I got paired with Sebastian, Scarlett with Chris E., Anthony with Tom and Lizzie and Chris H.

Sebastian has one of his arms around me because the small couch presses us together.

"The girl with the Scarlet Witch outfit please." The presentator informs the mic-carrier. A little girl gets in the flashlight with her mom, the mic adjusted to her small size. She's dressed up as Scarlet Witch.

Lizzie can't stop smiling when she sees the outfit.

Audience: "My question is for Scarlet Witch, how long did it take to get ready?"

She asks in a cute little girl voice and Lizzie just melts in her chair.

"Can I just say your outfit is so cute." She laughs. "It took very long to get ready, you have to dress and then your makeup and hair has to get done so it takes quite long. A few hours." She explains, trying to explain it to her easy.

Then the crew goes to a woman, in her mid 20's, dressed up as a mix of Black Widow and The Winter Soldier comes on.

"Look, she has a Bucky-arm." I mention to Sebastian off-mic. "Ah yeah, I see." He doesn't compliment it.

Audience: "I have a question for Scarlett. In an interview Sebastian revealed he would've loved more scenes with Black Widow since they have a relationship in the comics. What do you think about that?"

Sebastian rubs his face since this is the first time him and Scarlett are together when asked about it. Scarlett is searching for his gaze and I just laugh at how embarrassed he feels.

"First of all, I didn't know Sebastian had said that. Second of all, I feel like the comics and the movies should stay separate things and third of all, we had one scene and you're probably looking for the kind of scenes Chris and I had." She says, looking directly at Sebastian, who now has a red shade on his face.

"Let me explain. That interview was quite a while ago and I thought people had forgotten about it. I admit it was a thing I once wanted. And to reply to you, I was kind of looking for the scenes you and Chris had, yes. But that wasn't the question." He reminds her. Chris E. and I are laughing at their firing conversation.

"Well okay, for the question. Even though I've made my points I do think it could've been fun to have scenes with both of them, it could've definitely been included but I'm also happy with how everything has been written and turned out now." She answers.

"That's it for this question, let's move on. The boy dressed like Spider-Man please." The crew obeys and the boy comes in spotlight.

Tom is smiling brightly when seeing him. ''Oh hello.'' He speaks in a higher pitched voice.

Audience: ''My question is for Spider-Man. How do you get the spider webs?''

Tom laughs. ''Well the suit that was designed for Spider-Man has the spider webs built in it, you know?'' He tries to explain but smiles uncomfortably.

''Ok.'' The kid says before leaving the spotlight. Everyone laughs.

''Okay next up the man with the red scarf please.'' The crew goes over to where the presentator is pointing and gives the man a microphone.

Audience: ''Anthony, I need to ask this because Tom said something very interesting in one of the interviews. You and Sebastian tend to roast Tom a lot so when Tom got asked about it, he quoted: ''He doesn't admit it yet but we're besties'', any comments on that?''

Anthony looks at Tom who's laughing. ''Oh really Tom? We're besties now huh?" The audience laughs. ''I have to say, the roasting situation with Sebastian is just a joke, I hope we can just clarify that. Spider-Man over here is just a little bastard and we put him in his place a lil' bit y'know what I'm saying?'' Tom is just laughing in the background.

''However,'' He points a finger to Tom. ''I will admit Tom is a big part of why it's always fun in interviews with him.'' He gives Tom a few pats on his back.

Then a grown man, in his mid 40's, steps up, dressed up as Thor.

Audience: ''Howdy, hi. I got a question for Chris H., how do you feel about the movies you played in with these people?''

''Well I feel really good, thanks. It's great to talk to them still after a few years and I hope there will be more movies with people like them in it because they're amazing co-stars and persons.''

The presentator now gives one last person the chance to ask their question. A woman, mid 30's, comes into the spotlight, dressed up as my character.

Audience: ''Hi everyone. Kayla, it's nice to finally see you in person. My question is for Kayla, obviously. How do you think your and Bucky's story will continue to the end? Because in my perspective it looked like there were so many obstacles that could've ruined it for the both of you.''

''Wow, I wasn't expecting to get a question after all. It's nice to see you too, cool outfit. So, I think mine and Bucky's story definitely has a chance of making it to the end even with all the obstacles around it. I don't really know anything myself and I have no idea how it will continue so I will leave it up to the internet to come up with theories about it.'' I smile at her.
A/N: Thank you for reading! This chapter took me very long to write but here it is, I hope you enjoyed it :)

Credits to easypeasyguacamole for the idea, thank you so much!

If anyone has a request put it in the comments or DM me :)

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